Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 Soon, we'll begin talking with our kids about how we're going to honor Lent. Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert preparing Himself for His public ministry, we'll spend the 40 days of Lent preparing ourselves for His death and resurrection. When I was a kid, I used to think that preparation only included "fasting from," or giving up something to mirror how Jesus gave up His life for us. I've since learned there can be a "feasting on," or adding something to our days that draws us closer to Him. That's where my Lenten devotional comes into play. For each day of Lent there is a Scripture passage, a short reflection, a prayer, and an activity. The hope is: Not only will this devotional draw us closer to Our Savior, but it will remind us to call upon Him for help and include Him in the ways we put our faith into action. "With Our Savior" booklets begin at $1.99 each, but reduce in price the more you order. To order in bulk, visit Creative Communications for the Parish. For smaller orders, email The booklet is also available on Kindle. Enjoy this sample from "With Our Savior." First Sunday of Lent Resisting Temptation
If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours. Luke 4:7
On Mahre’s first day at her new school, she sat by herself in the lunchroom. Julia immediately came over and joined her. Although Julia was awkward and shy, she was also welcoming and kind. They sat together for the rest of the week. During Mahre’s second week, the popular Emerson came up to her and said, “The girls and I have decided we like you. You can sit at our lunch table from now on, but you have to ditch Julia. There’s no way she’s sitting with us.” Mahre was tempted by Emerson’s offer, the same way Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert. But just like Emerson said Mahre had to ditch Julia, the devil said Jesus had to turn against God and worship the devil instead. Despite being incredibly weak from 40 days without food, Jesus found the strength to resist the temptation. Mahre did the same. She and Julia have been friends ever since. WITH OUR SAVIOR » Dear God, please protect me from all temptation by giving me the strength and courage to always do the right thing. WITH YOUR FAMILY » Postpone dinner until everyone is really, really hungry. Then place your favorite treats on the table. Discuss whether you’d like to donate them to your local food pantry instead of eating them for dessert. What’s it like to make that decision while hungry?

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Copyright 2019 Claire McGarry