My earliest memories of the Stations of the Cross are of elderly men and women silently moving from image to image affixed to the wall of my home parish while I tagged along during my mom’s sacristan duties of scraping wax from candle holders or gathering soiled linens. Later, I participated in weekly stations each Lenten Friday with my classmates. The best printed companions for those devotions were the ones that placed me in the midst of my Savior’s suffering and also helped me to focus on my own shortcomings – particular to my age and stage in life – in the context of the Passion. I was excited then to learn of a Stations of the Cross geared specifically to moms. Stations of the Cross Meditations for Moms (Revised Edition) by Anne Kennedy, Susan Anthony, Amy Schisler, Chandi Owen, and Wendy Clark provides reflections that will resonate with mothers in various stages of their journey, from those with young children to those whose children have grown and left the nest. Fruitful meditations are gleaned from dinner preparations, family crises, preserving family time, assisting ailing and elderly relatives, and more. Two small points could use clarification. In the reflection for the Seventh Station, more emphasis on the free will of children would preclude moms from laboring under the illusion that they are solely responsible for their children’s faith. In the reflection for the Tenth Station, re-wording to clarify that our bodies, too, not merely our souls, are glorified in the Resurrection would be helpful. Keep in mind that these are meditations accompanied by reflection questions and a short prayer. You’ll need to refer to another source for the other parts of the traditional devotion such as the opening prayers, the “We adore you of Christ ...” prayer and the “Stabat Mater.” Still, handy and inexpensive, these Stations of the Cross may be the thing you need to draw you closer to our Lord in the waning days of #Lent, whether reading a reflection here or there as time allows or as your companion while you pray the Stations of the Cross in church.
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About the Author
Carolyn Astfalk
Carolyn Astfalk is a wife, mother of four young children, and a writer. Her contemporary Catholic romances are available at She is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, a Catholic Teen Books author, and blogs at My Scribbler’s Heart. Visit