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"Details" by Charisse Tierney (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2019 Charisse Tierney. All rights reserved.[/caption] It takes my breath away every time I carry a fresh basket of laundry into our bedroom. Billowing white blossoms gently weighing down the majestic arching branches. Such beauty from a tree that was achingly bare wood only a few weeks ago. Right outside my bedroom window, reminding me that there is more to life than laundry, messy bedrooms, and two-year-olds who refuse to sleep. He’s been gifting me with the things I never knew my heart needed. Reminders to live fully, reminders to be joyful, reminders that He loves me. It all started with the search for a house. A job change, kids growing older and moving on to different schools, and the need for more space for our growing family sent us on a search through open houses one Sunday. And the Holy Spirit took it from there. The third house we looked at propelled us forward with unseen forces. He seemed to be nudging us from the moment we saw the statue of Mary greeting us from the front porch. We hadn’t thought through too many details, but He had. From the ideal room for my handicapped sister, down to the porch swing, the gas stove, the fireplace, and the gorgeous backyard and paved walking path -- the house had everything we’d never dared to fully dream of and more. And somehow, with the help and prayers of others, we did it. Just like that, an investor purchased our old, too-small, broken-down house, and we found ourselves living in what felt like a palace. He’s given us a place. A place where we still struggle, we still feel stressed and tired and frustrated--but a place where I can always see a beautiful view out the window, or enjoy cooking a meal, or sit on a porch swing with a little head nestled into my shoulder, and remember -- remember His great love that comes through in the tiniest of details. His great love that bursts forth from the wood of the cross like the flowers on my bedroom window tree. This is Holy Week. It isn’t about sadness or despair or fear. It’s about His love. His love that burns so deeply and so fiercely that He pours it into every facet of our lives. We just have to look. And appreciate. And wait with faithful patience when all we see is black. He loves us. He wants to gift us with goodness, even in the midst of suffering. Behold the wood of the Cross. "Details" by Charisse Tierney (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2019 Charisse Tierney. All rights reserved.[/caption]
Copyright 2019 Charisse Tierney