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"I need more" by Christina Weigand (CatholicMom.com) El Greco [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons[/caption]
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen Him.” (John 14: 6-7)
Philip thought he needed more. Jesus standing right in front of him was not enough evidence. His mind was focused on things of Earth. Another time, Jesus asked Philip where they should buy bread for the multitude following them. Philip’s answer, “Two hundred days' wages worth of food would not be enough to feed each of them a little." He probably spent his time counting the people and doing the math so when Jesus asked, he thought he had the perfect answer. Philip was slow to catch on to who Jesus was and what He was here to do. One of the first apostles called, his heart was open and ready for the experience of Jesus. Philip was a man of faith, but his faith was weak. Jesus was asking Philip to take his faith to the next level. I’m a lot like Philip: I believe, but my faith is weak. I doubt. I need more. The proof is right in front of me, every time I open my Bible, every time I look on the crucifix above my desk, every time I receive the Eucharist. Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit wait with open arms for my eyes to open, my mouth to ask, my ears to listen.

Pray with me:

Lord, help me to be less like the Philip before and more like the Philip after Pentecost, who with open heart, and a soul on fire spread the Good News, no longer questioning, no longer doubting, and no longer asking for more proof.

Copyright 2019 Christina Weigand About the author: Christina Weigand is a writer, wife, mother of four and Nana to four. She lives in Pennsylvania and has three published YA novels, a woman’s Bible study and two middle-grade fantasy.