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Welcome to the Our Lady of Charity Book Club! We're reading Our Lady of Charity by CatholicMom contributor Maria Morera Johnson. Our Lady of Charity is new from Ave Maria Press. Maria Johnson's new memoir is a beautiful testament to the ways the patroness of Maria’s native Cuba helped her grow in faith even after she moved with her family to the US. This quick read introduces la virgencita — Our Lady of Charity, the patroness of Cuba. Maria traces the history of devotion among Cubans to this depiction of Our Lady, a devotion that has continued within the Cuban-American community to this day. Author Maria Morera Johnson[/caption] Maria found in devotion to la virgencita a connection with her ethnic and spiritual heritage. As she notes in the final chapter, devotion to Mary can lead us to Jesus:
Mary is the first disciple. She brought the Good News of salvation to Elizabeth and then the world! If I’m going to learn all I can about Jesus and how to be a disciple, what better teacher is there than Mary? (100)
I highly recommend Our Lady of Charity. You’ll learn about a beautiful devotion to Our Lady, but more than that, you’ll learn how she can bring you closer to her Son. Order Our Lady of Charity from Ave Maria Press and save 25% with coupon code CHARITYBC. This offer expires August 31, 2019.

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Copyright 2019 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS