Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 For my co-novice Sr. Julia Mary, this new devotional is already her 45-year favorite in its original classic version, He & I. Sr. Julia’s dream has been to share this conversation with Jesus through a Catholic daily devotional in the tradition of God Calling and Jesus Calling. The original book, He and I, is already a classic in English, taken from the French 4-volume edition. Jesus Speaking: Heart to Heart with the King, the new daily devotional based on He and I, is a way to spread its inspirational message of a personal conversation with Jesus to friends and family. If you want a deeper, vibrant, and living relationship, Jesus Speaking will lead you to the deep recesses of God’s in-dwelling with you. This is a book for so many gift-giving occasions because what better gift for the men, women, teens in your life than a deeper relationship with Christ! Here is Sr. Julia Mary’s video review of the Catholic classic He and I – inspiration for the new devotional Jesus Speaking: Heart to Heart with the King.   Gabrielle Bossis, a French nurse and playwright, heard the voice of Jesus in the core of her being. Her diaries from 1936 to 1950 record a tender exchange capturing Jesus’ enduring presence. She eventually shared these intimate moments of prayer in a book entitled He and I, which quickly became a classic of spirituality.
“So great is my longing for you to come nearer, I have so much to say to you, so much to give you.”
Each day of Jesus Speaking has a Scripture passage, a message from Jesus through his messenger Gabrielle Bossis, and a reflective question to help you deepen your own personal conversation. Each daily passage reveals the immensity of God’s love through all occasions of life. Bossis was an unconventional mystic showing us that ordinary men and women can experience intimacy with Christ daily.
“Do you think I remain silent with those who want to talk with Me? Talk with Me.”
Here is a brief video on the life and writings of Gabrielle Bossis:  
“Your longing to love, this is love … In your soul there is a door that leads to the contemplation of God, but you must open it.”
Jesus Speaking is a way for Jesus to remind you and those you love that Jesus is very near … in your heart. The invitation you will find again and again in Jesus Speaking is taken from the book itself: “Go right into the most secret shrine.”

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Copyright 2019 Sr. Margaret Kerry, FSP