Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336 The Locket’s Secret by K. Kelley Hayne is a sweet yet powerful story about dealing with tragedy. This wonderful book for middle-grade students focuses on the importance of family. The story follows Carrie and her family during their move across the country to a new home. This homeschooled teen struggles to deal with leaving her home and friends, as well as the recent tragic loss of a younger sister. Her coping mechanism is to withdraw into an imaginary world to help manage her grief. The story alternates between Carrie’s real life and the adventurous fantasy that she imagines for herself. Locket's Secret, K. Kelley Heyne, book, book review, middle-grade, reading I thought this was a beautiful story that shows how profoundly difficult it is to handle the loss of a loved one. Carrie struggles but eventually learns that family is her strength. This would be an excellent book to read as a family as it offers plenty of great discussion opportunities. I also liked that the family in The Locket’s Secret homeschools their children. I don’t see that included in many novels.

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