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"Your true identity" by Elaine Sinnott (CatholicMom.com) Image credit: By Oliver Cole (2018) Unsplash.com, CC0/PD[/caption]

A revelation

Listening to the AMAZING Blessed Is She podcast today with Jenna Guizar, Beth Davis, and Chris Stefanick brought on a revelation to me. Earlier this year I prayed to God asking Him if He had a special word for me for 2019 and to lead me to it if He did. I went to the word of the year generator website by Jennifer Fulwiler, said a quick prayer to God asking Him to reveal His message to me, clicked on the "show me my word!" button, and received my word:


Lift? I thought. Well that's dumb. What on earth does that even mean? That tells me nothing, Lord. I shrugged it off and never thought about it again. I'm sure my poor Heavenly Father shakes His head at me quite often! I asked, He gave, and I threw the unopened gift in my mental junk drawer. But, praise God, I listened to this podcast today and, TWO MONTHS later, I FINALLY realized what God was trying to tell me with that word!

Satan's got me down

I realized that every single day I am spiritually curled up in a corner, beating myself up over my sins. I'm thinking I'm not worthy, that I'm never worthy of the love God has for me. My "spiritual" eyes are always looking down, embarrassed of how much I fail every day. At the end of every day, my head is always hanging as I mope and kick myself for the things I "should've done better."

God has other plans

But, with this word, God is trying to tell me that He wants to lift me up! Lift up my heart! Lift up my eyes! He wants to lift me up from that corner I keep retreating to and hold my hand, leading me to a brand-new spiritual life, one where I know the truth of who I am! He wants to lift me out of out the pit of condemnation that I am lured into every day! For too long I've allowed my identity to be the lies that I hear from Satan. That I'll never be a good enough mother. That I'll never be a good enough wife. That I'll never be a good enough Christian. Never. Good. Enough. Words that ring in my ears every day.

He created me for JOY, not sadness

But the Truth is that my identity is a daughter of God! A daughter of the Creator of this universe! A daughter of Love Himself. Satan doesn't want me knowing that. He knows this Truth and he is insanely envious of that! So he will stop at nothing to try to shout those lies in my ear and into my heart louder than God. And since I haven't truly allowed God's Word to become a part of my every day life, there wasn't anything to counteract Satan's screams of lies. I basically just lay there and took his finger pointing, mocking, laughing, and lying. I allowed him to dance around me and shout awful things at me and I let those lies soak right through my skin and sink straight into my heart. I believed him. I wasn't looking up to my Father to save me, I just kept looking down and listening to the enemy. I even agreed with him. No wonder Scripture is called the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17)! It is this very thing that FIGHTS off the enemy and his games! I receive the Body and Blood of Christ BECAUSE I am worthy! Because I AM His daughter! He is my Abba, my Papa.

Your true identity

My dear reader, Your Heavenly Father wants to lift you up, too. He wants you to know your truest identity is a child of God. A daughter of God. He wants you to know that the lies that Satan whispers to you are SO far from the Truth. You are lovable. You are worthy. You are so very beautiful. You are savable. You are never a lost cause. EVER. You are a loving wife. You are an awesome mom. You are a wonderful Christian.

Satan even questioned Christ's identity

Will you join me and begin learning God'd Word DAILY to protect your heart so that you can shout Scripture back at Satan when he tempts you to think you are unworthy? This is how Jesus battled with Satan when He was tempted for 40 days in the desert, by countering the enemy's lies with Scripture. Satan even questioned Jesus' identity!
"If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." (Luke 4:3)
Nothing will make Satan more angry than you claiming your identity as a daughter of the Most High. That makes him cringe and it makes him leave.

Send the enemy packing!

One of my favorite verses from Scripture is found in James 4:7.
Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (NAB)
The next line gets even better!
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8, NAB)
Nothing will be stronger and more powerful than you shouting the Truth of Sacred Scripture back to the enemy when he begins whispering his lies to you. The Truth will deflect every lie and the power of Jesus' presence next to you will send Satan screaming back to hell. His lies will mean NOTHING anymore! And nothing will make your Father happier! Because you will finally know the Truth and finally know His love, his very personal love for you. Do you do the same thing I do? Do you receive an answer to a prayer and dismiss it as “not good enough” and hide that gift away? Will you accept His love and this Truth He has written over you?
Copyright 2019 Elaine Sinnott