(I’m going to preface this by acknowledging that this topic might be controversial. Of course there are lots of people using and consuming social media in healthy ways who may not need this advice. But I wasn’t one of them. So, in case there’s anyone else out there who needs a little nudge, then this is for them. No matter who you are, we can all benefit from a moment of thoughtful examination, especially during Lent.)
Last fall I read A Mind at Peace for my parish’s book club and it rocked my world. It was a challenging read that forced me to examine my habits – particularly with social media and news consumption – and I didn’t like what I saw. The truth was ugly and painful.
I told myself that social media was connecting me with lots of great people and ideas, helping me to broaden my horizons, inspiring me with possibilities, introducing me to beauty and truth … but it just wasn’t true. Instead, my social media consumption left me feeling more and more disconnected from real-life friends, frustrated over the beautiful things I wanted but couldn’t afford, jealous over the seemingly perfect lives of other wives and moms, and anxious over all the division clogging up my feed. And the worse I felt, the more I scrolled. It was a vicious cycle.
While the book was challenging, it was also very helpful and hopeful (really, I cannot recommend it enough), and by the end of the first few chapters I knew what I needed to do. So I opened Instagram, pulled up the list of accounts I follow and started clicking “unfollow;” then I opened Facebook and did the same.
The criteria was very simple. I asked myself:
Copyright 2020 Megan Swaim
- Am I somehow connected to this person in real life?
- Is this connection and its influence good for my mind, heart, soul and vocation?
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Copyright 2020 Megan Swaim
About the Author
Megan Swaim
Megan Swaim is an Indiana girl on an east coast adventure. A former high school youth minister, she now gets to minister full-time to her three young daughters and her husband Josh. Megan spends her days homeschooling at the kitchen table, drinking iced coffee, and exploring coastal Virginia.