[caption id="attachment_171103" align="aligncenter" width="1180"] Image: By Julius Silver (2017), Pexels.com, CC0/PD[/caption]
When all six us of us gathered around the TV for the Urbi Et Orbi blessing, we thought we were in for a 15-minute deal. The kids squirmed and fidgeted, trying hard to keep up the reverence, thinking the actual blessing was just around the corner. But Pope Francis was in no hurry. And neither was I – drawn to the solemnity of the event and moved to tears at gravity of our world’s state and yet overwhelmed at the generosity plenary indulgence.
As a mom of four holy (yet silly and normal kids), I long to bring that beautiful Urbi Et Orbi moment to my kids during this pandemic but … in small doses. How can we pray like that, like Pope Francis – united to the world, to our holy Father, to the sufferings around us and immersed in Christ himself? How can we remember that moment of forgiveness and recompense?
But shorter. Quicker.
Turns out the answer came from my parents. They too, were moved by the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, and because of that, my father, who recorded the event, listened again and again to annotate the Litany of Supplication. Tonight, after dinner, my family and I put off kitchen clean up and paused for 5 minutes to pray this prayer which was part of that momentous Friday. It was wonderful.
Your family too, can share in the prayer of the church along with the signs of the times. We printed this prayer and divided the paragraphs among our family members. The words are not too difficult and it hits many of the topics we are all concerned about but don’t know how to mention. Thanks, Dad!
Litany of Supplication
True God and true man, truly present in this holy Sacrament.
We adore you, O Lord
Our Savior, God with us, faithful and rich in mercy
We adore you, O Lord
King and Lord of creation and of history
We adore you, O Lord
Conqueror of sin and death
We adore you, O Lord
Friend of humankind, the Risen One, the Living One who sits at the right hand of the Father.
We adore you, O Lord
We believe in you, O Lord
Only begotten Son of the Father, descended from heaven for our salvation
We believe in you, O Lord
Heavenly physician, who bows down over our misery
We believe in you, O Lord
Lamb who was slain, who offer yourself to rescue us from evil
We believe in you, O Lord
Good Shepherd, who give your life for the flock which you love
We believe in you, O Lord
Living bread and medicine for immortality, who give us eternal life
We believe in you, O Lord
Deliver us, O Lord
From the power of Satan and the seductions of the world
Deliver us, O Lord
From the pride and presumption of being able to do anything without you
Deliver us, O Lord
From the deceptions of fear and anxiety
Deliver us, O Lord
From unbelief and desperation
Deliver us, O Lord
From hardness of heart and the incapacity to love
Deliver us, O Lord
Save us, O Lord
From every evil that afflicts humanity
Save us, O Lord
From hunger, from famine and from egoism
Save us, O Lord
From illnesses, epidemics and the fear of our brothers and sisters
Save us, O Lord
From devastating madness, from ruthless interests and from violence
Save us, O Lord
From being deceived, from false information and the manipulation of consciences
Save us, O Lord
Comfort us, O Lord
Protect your Church which crosses the desert
Comfort us, O Lord
Protect humanity terrified by fear and anguish
Comfort us, O Lord
Protect the sick and the dying, oppressed by loneliness
Comfort us, O Lord
Protect doctors and healthcare providers exhausted by the difficulties they are facing
Comfort us, O Lord
Protect politicians and decision makers who bear the weight of having to make decisions
Comfort us, O Lord
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
In the hour of trial and from confusion
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
In temptation and in our fragility
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
In the battle against evil and sin
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
In the search for what is truly good and true joy
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
in the decision to remain in you and in your friendship
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
Open us to hope, O Lord
Should sin oppress us
Open us to hope, O Lord
Should hatred close our hearts
Open us to hope, O Lord
Should sorrow visit us
Open us to hope, O Lord
Should indifference cause us anguish
Open us to hope, O Lord
Should death overwhelm us
Open us to hope, O Lord
(Pope Francis, Urbi et Orbi blessing, March 27, 2020)
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If you love these types of prayers and are on the lookout for ways to help your friends and family to pray more deeply and regularly you may want to check out this book I just published on growing a life of prayer.
Copyright 2020 Carrie Soukup
About the Author
Carrie Soukup
Carrie Soukup writes and teaches courses at GraceFinders.com, to help others connect intimately with God in and through the craziness of life. Author of two books on prayer, she has served as a curriculum writer, campus minister, high school theology teacher, and retreat director. On a great day, you can find her hiking, cycling, or eating chocolate with her husband and four children.