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Bonnie Drury, a mother of five, shares helpful insights about parenting and prayer.

Dear New Mothers, 

They had me at first glimpse, my sons. Motherhood is the greatest blessing I’ve known. When Jesus chose Mary to be His earthly mother, He was telling us how special motherhood is. God Himself, as the Word Incarnate, chose to come and save us through a woman.  

 Yes, there might be morning sickness, food cravings in the middle of the night, aches and pains as your body transforms with new life. This child won’t be the Messiah, but he/she has a very important, necessary place in the history of the world. Each child will have an impact on those around them. 

When your baby arrives, the love you feel will be the most powerful thing you’ve known. You can’t help but stare at this little human being, this gift from the Almighty. 

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you.” (Jeremiah 1:5) 


How do you handle the demands of motherhood? Try to get enough rest. There’s no shame in asking for help. Practice your patience. You’ll need it over and over again. Keep always in your mind the responsibility God hands you when you give birth, or adopt or foster. 


Prayer will help you get through the day

What got me through many challenging days was the Hail Mary, pure and simple. If you’re feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or inept, start saying the Hail Mary over and over to yourself. This has never failed to calm me and those around me. I would call it miraculous. 

Another great prayer is the Surrender Prayer. “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you; take care of everything.” He promises miracles through this prayer, and I can attest to that truth. You can also surrender a loved one to Jesus when you don’t know what else to do. 

I remember when our fourth son started throwing tantrums, shortly after his little brother was born. I was so frustrated with him (and myself) until I realized that he felt displaced and needed extra attention. When I’d see him start to become fretful, I’d snatch him up and cuddle him on my lap, every time. Before long, the tantrums stopped. 




Children hear what you say 

Another son was very stubborn, and would question everything he was told. I know now that he needed this characteristic to get through what life had planned for him. Your children believe whatever you tell them about themselves. Are you critical, demanding, calling them dumb, clumsy, and other names? This is what they’ll live up to. If you praise them for all the little reasons you see good in them, then this is what they’ll become. 

Your children will fail you, and you’ll fail them. You’re human and you’ll make mistakes. Don’t be too hard on yourselves, as long as you’re really trying. Remember that you’re united with Mary as mothers. 

Take care of your adult relationships, while still putting your child first, when necessary. You and your spouse can find a way to do this together. Talk to your significant other about your hopes and fears, your triumphs and mishaps. Don’t make him feel like an outsider. 

When your children reach the teenage years, don’t dread them, but enjoy them. I loved their banter and sense of humor. Teens are traveling through a country they’ve never seen before, full of temptations, pitfalls, wrong turns, and sometimes, even danger. They need to know that you’re there for them, even when they don’t want to talk to you. This is normal, and it too, shall pass. 


Love is powerful 

My mother-in-law used to tell me I spoiled my kids. It certainly wasn’t with material goods, but I did spoil them with love. And I’ll stand by it. If your children remember nothing else about their upbringing but the fact that they’re loved, you will have accomplished the mission God gave you. 

When Jesus was hanging on the Cross, struggling to breathe, He thought of Mary: 

“Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold your mother.’”  (John 19:27a)


He spoke to all of us. That gives me the chills. He shows us how important motherhood is, and how great he considered His gift to us, Our Mother Mary. You are a gift to your children, as they are to you. Treasure this gift, even when you’re tired and disillusioned. You’re doing the most essential work on earth. 




May Our Lord bless you always in this most sacred of all vocations. 

Yours in Christ, 


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Copyright 2025 Bonnie Drury
Images: Canva