Betty Vertin recommends Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers from Pauline Books and Media for Eucharistic Adoration and other prayer time as well.
Sister Marie Paul Curley, FSP, has compiled the perfect pocket-sized book of prayers to enhance your experiences in Eucharistic Adoration.
Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers include the following sections: biblical prayers, prayers of adoration, prayers of praise and thanksgiving, prayers of repentance and reparation, prayers of intercession and petition in Adoration with Mary, and Benediction. These sections include everything one might need, including Stations of the Cross and the Mysteries of the Rosary.
In the weeks I spent in Eucharistic Adoration with this book, preparing to write this review, I particularly liked the biblical prayers. It includes Psalms 63, which says, “For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.” This book of prayers is just that: help guide you to a fruitful Adoration.
I often participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation before Eucharistic Adoration and appreciate the many prayers of reparation and repentance. I found the prayer, “To Jesus, Good Shepherd,” especially beautiful and found these words very healing:
Recall us to your way. Sustain us when we waver, strengthen us when we are weak.
There is vast content within the pages of this book, but it is still nearly as small as my phone. It can easily accompany me anywhere in my purse or pocket. I give Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers a 10 out of 10 and plan to keep in with me in adoration, reconciliation, stations, and when I’m on the go for added prayer time throughout my day.
Ask for Essential Eucharistic Adoration Prayers at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Pauline Books & Media.
Copyright 2024 Betty Vertin
Images: (top) Canva; (center) courtesy of Pauline Books & Media
About the Author

Betty Vertin
Betty Vertin is a Catholic wife, mother to 7, advocate, writer, and blogger living in Hastings, NE, with her family. Three of Betty’s children are boys living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Betty loves her Catholic faith and leans heavily on her parenting journey. She shares her family through social media, her blog Weathered-Storms.com and a column titled “Party of 9” for Muscular Dystrophy News.