Anna Maria De Guid reflects on the ways Jesus knows our hearts and answers our prayers - in His time.
I have prayed to Jesus, seeking innumerable favors. Many were granted in the way I would like them answered. Some were bestowed in ways that were beyond my imagination.
I have also asked Jesus questions, some of them deep ones. Not urgent, not seeking an answer right away. They're the ones that tug my heart once in a while. Since He knows our hearts, He answers me in His time.
My dear Jesus, I know the Holy Eucharist is the crux of the Mass. It is our faith. I understand that the bread and wine are made into your body and blood at consecration. But at times, it is still difficult for me to comprehend this. One Sunday Mass, I was praying with my eyes closed and with my head bowed down. As I raised my head to see the priest hold up the host with his hands, I saw you instead of the priest! For just a second. Then you were gone. I know you showed me this vision to recall the Last Supper and answer my longing to understand.
My dear Jesus, I often feel bad because I do not feel anything when I receive you in Holy Communion. I understand that I accept you in my mind, but my heart does not want to follow. One nondescript night, I dreamed very clearly that I was receiving the Holy Communion. When the host touched my tongue, I saw you in the host! Then I woke up. And I cried.
My dear Jesus, why is it that I feel you are in my heart? Am I just thinking this, or are you really there? Another unremarkable evening, I dreamed that I saw you holding out your cupped, overlapping hands to me. As I drew closer to you, I noticed that on your hands was a heart. You let me recognize that it is my heart that you are holding. When I looked at my heart, I saw you inside it! Now I understand that you are really in my heart.
My dear Jesus, you know I love you. But I have so many weaknesses that I don't feel I deserve your love, though I know your love is unconditional and is given as a grace. Then an answer slowly came to my mind letting me know it is from you, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Now I understand that we can never be perfect because it is in you that we find perfection.
I will continue to ask Jesus questions in my heart because, in His time, He will answer me. And I know He will answer yours too.
Copyright 2021 Anna Maria De Guid
Image: Pixabay (2018)
About the Author
Anna Maria De Guid
Anna Maria is a Catholic wife and mom of 3 young adults. For decades, she nourished tummies with her cooking and baking. Now, she nourishes souls! She has minute reflections in blogs and stories in her Touched by Grace series of books, as well as in the Touched by Grace Today YouTube channel. Her mission is to evangelize through sharing stories of God’s graces in our everyday lives.