Anna Maria De Guid observes how sometimes we do not even have to pray for things because our Lord knows our hearts' desires.
I love hosting Christmas dinners! (Cleaning up after the party is another story.)
Christmas has such a special place in my heart that no matter what the situation, our family hosts this occasion always. I really take the time to plan the menu, prepare a program of sorts, and invite guests who may not have anything planned that evening. I also put in extra effort in arranging the centerpiece for the buffet table.
Every year, I have a homemade dessert, flowers, fruits, or a combination of any of those three as our centerpiece. Last year, I thought it would be appropriate to have a nativity scene as our centerpiece as Christmas was the occasion we were celebrating – the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I scouted the gallerias and specialty home stores for the right nativity scene. I even looked for one from my mom’s collection of nativity figurines in the Philippines when I visited earlier that year. None seemed to work. I wanted one that was about nine inches by nine inches at the base and about six to eight inches tall. I wanted it to have the Holy Family in a manger and maybe with some sheep and a shepherd.
A week before Christmas, everyone was so busy with the season’s activities that I gave up hope finding my nativity scene. I opted to place my special Food for the Gods cake, our traditional Jesus birthday cake, at the center of the buffet table. “Maybe next year I’ll find something if I start looking early enough.” I was disappointed at not having my crèche.
December 23 came, and everyone was even busier with their schedules. Even packages that arrived in the mail were put aside.
“You need to open the packages because there might be fresh fruits or something perishable,” quipped Paul.
I have a habit of opening gifts only when I have the time to really appreciate the gift. But Paul was right. I didn’t want anything perishable to spoil when I open it on Christmas Day.
My mind wasn’t in gift appreciation mode when I was opening the package. #catholicmom
My mind wasn’t in gift appreciation mode when I was opening the package. Then I felt my heart stop when I saw what was inside the box. Carefully wrapped in layers of white tissue was the loveliest wooden nativity scene in a manger in the exact size I wanted, with sheep and a shepherd watching over baby Jesus!
My heart overflowed with joy at the thoughtful gift from my godparents! I was speechless for quite some time as I thanked God for the one gift I wanted so badly that Christmas.
Copyright 2020 Anna Maria De Guid
Image: Pixabay (2017)
About the Author
Anna Maria De Guid
Anna Maria is a Catholic wife and mom of 3 young adults. For decades, she nourished tummies with her cooking and baking. Now, she nourishes souls! She has minute reflections in blogs and stories in her Touched by Grace series of books, as well as in the Touched by Grace Today YouTube channel. Her mission is to evangelize through sharing stories of God’s graces in our everyday lives.