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At the end of a difficult year, Alexis Dallara-Marsh ponders gratitude and the need to remain ready for Christ when He comes again.

"Be watchful! Be alert!"

The last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic have been a test of faith, probably more so than any one previous. This is a statement not to be taken lightly. In 2001, I stood as a bushy-eyed high schooler only a few streets away from Ground Zero on the day nearly 3,000 others had their lives stolen abruptly from beneath them. In 2014, we lost our son to stillbirth after what had been an otherwise uneventful first pregnancy. Through it all, moments of adversity force us to open our eyes to what is most important. In these most recent times of sickness and suffering, we have seen countless more lives lost, both near and far away from us. The grief can be deep and overwhelming; the darkness, heavy and lonely.

In contrast, giving thanks for what we have in recent times has taken on a new meaning. Even the smallest blessings must not be taken for granted. From food and jobs to our health and each other, there is so much to praise God for.

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Moments of adversity force us to open our eyes to what is most important. #catholicmom

Now more than ever before, we must depend on the living steadfastness of the Lord for continued restoration. As many celebrate and reflect on the end of yet another year, there must also be a constant reminder that this world is not our world. His ways are not our ways. But rather, one must "wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful" (I Corinthians 1:7-8). We must continue to savor then in each day He grants us as a gift, and spread the light of being Christian to others, so that we can all remain ready for Him.

As the work of His hands, we must live each day giving glory and honor to Him through humble service and love.


calendar, earbuds, alarm clock, coffee

Copyright 2021 Alexis Dallara-Marsh
Image: Canva Pro