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Anne DeSantis shares three ways we can help our children learn that charitable acts are to be practiced for a lifetime.

A major piece of living out the Catholic faith is growing in charity toward others. Many people associate Advent and Christmas as a time of giving and becoming more charitable as a positive goal. It is a goal not just for the season; it is one for every day of our lives. When we teach our children the value of loving others as Catholics and as Christians, it is something to be practiced and valued for an entire lifetime. Christ commands us to love others always: not just during the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Here are a few ways to become more charitable through these seasons and beyond.



We can’t always help everyone, but one thing we can all do is pray. Many times, prayer is the best gift we can give others especially in certain situations. It is a way to implore God’s help and mercy on those who desperately need to know the love of God and his presence. Making it a practice to pray each day for those who are in need is a beautiful way in making a difference for them. We may not see the fruits of our prayers, but it should not stop us from praying. The Lord commands us to pray always, without ceasing. Prayer is a major way to be charitable and loving to others.




Listening and outreach

The spiritual works of mercy are so needed in our world in making a difference for those who are going through challenging times. These are spiritual acts of kindness we can do for others in a prayerful way to give of ourselves to them especially in their need. Whether is it in counseling the doubtful, instructing the ignorant, bearing wrongs patiently, or one of the other acts, taking the time to be there for someone who is suffering is a tremendous way to be charitable and caring. Listening to the stories of those who have been marginalized or cast aside by others is a way to imitate Jesus. Consider learning to become a better listener and to make greater outreach to those who do not have the love and support they deserve as an authentic way to practice charity.


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Being charitable is a goal not just for the season; it is one for every day of our lives. #catholicmom




Giving to the poor

There are so very many people who are materially poor who could use your help. During the Advent season and during Christmas, a great many people do good things for the poor, the homeless, and for those in need. Consider giving to an organization or directly to a family or individual who could use your helping hand or monetary gift. It has been said that after the Christmas season is over there are a vast number of people who continue to suffer and have needs as most annual giving is done in the months of November and December.

Make it a habit to continue to donate and make outreach to the poor beyond December as a family. Regular giving to those in poverty is an extraordinary way to imitate Christ both during Advent and Christmas and especially as a part of daily life. Our Catholic faith teaches us that tending to the needs of the poor is an honor as we live out discipleship in following Jesus each day of our lives. It is what life is all about as we strive to imitate him in all that we do.

Copyright 2022 Anne DeSantis
Images: Canva