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Anne DeSantis shares a prayer for mothers who want to rest in the Lord and celebrate the coming of Christ in our hearts.

For mothers, Advent is a beautiful time, and a hectic one with Christmas around the corner. Kids' school schedules, carpool commitments, and other demands of life make the time before Christmas exciting and at times exhausting in preparation for what is to come.

We sometimes need to take a step back in prayer to recollect our hearts and our minds to what is important, and focus on the gifts of our faith and becoming closer with Jesus during the Advent season. Here is a prayer for mothers to rest in the Lord and in celebration of the coming of Christ in our hearts. 


Prayer for Mothers in the Advent Season 

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for the gift of family, and of my life. I humbly come before you during this season of Advent asking for your grace.  

Thank you for the gift of my husband and child(ren). Thank you for your love each day as I do my best to be a good wife and mother to them. I could not do anything without you, Lord. You enable me to move, and breathe, and to live each day. I am eternally grateful for your unending love. 

During this season of Advent, Lord, please help me to first and foremost love you more in my life through my prayer and actions. I pray that I can live the mission you have given me in an even greater way during Advent. Let that be my prayer.  

I pray for those that I may know in my life who need a friend right now. Help me to offer a listening ear and love to those in need. Help to keep my eyes open for those people all around me who during this season may need my help in some way. If I am able, help me to help them through a tough time.  

I ask for the intercession of Mary, your Mother and my Mother. I pray that I can imitate her love, gentleness, and compassion.  

Lord, help me to make this Advent and Christmas season special for my family, but give me the grace to do it in a peaceful way and without anxiety. I can only do this with your help. 

I ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  


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Take a step back in prayer to recollect our hearts and our minds to what is important, and focus on the gifts of our faith. #CatholicMom



Copyright 2023 Anne DeSantis
Images: Canva