Carolyn Astfalk finds the new study Bible from Ignatius Press to be an excellent resource for study and reading.
I confess. I stole my husband's Bible. More than once.
Sure, I have a battered New American Bible from college. And a New Jerusalem Bible, also from college. We have a large, elaborately illustrated family Bible. But when I wanted to grab a Bible for study or reading, I stole my husband's Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition in its lovely leather case.
Enter the Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition, and I'm a reformed thief. And, as a matter of cosmic justice, my Bible is often now stolen from me!
The black leather-like cover of this Bible is sleek, attractive, and durable and includes a black elastic strap to keep it from flapping open when not in use. The square, rather than common rectangular shape balances nicely in my hands when I'm juggling a computer mouse, pen, and tablet and fits comfortably in my lap.
Inside, the pages are thin without being flimsy, with generous columns on the outside of every page for adding notes or decorations. While I have a natural resistance to writing in most books, I'm eager to fill my margins with notes and highlights rather than resorting to my previous, less-than-ideal system of stuffing prayers cards in various places, hoping they don't come tumbling out when I open the book.
The interior text is a bit small (7 pt.), but that's probably what allows for the compact size I appreciate. I say "small" as a middle-aged woman who's had to acquire reading glasses over the past year. Before that time, I'd likely not have batted a strained eye at the font size. (In fact, without my glasses or contacts, the size is quite comfortable for reading.)
I prefer the RSV translation to any other I've read and draw quotes from it frequently for my own writing.
In the back of the book are sixteen durable color maps of the Holy Land, something I've come to rely on more and more as I participate in Bible studies and gain a greater grasp of the historical geography.
My new Bible has become the family favorite. #catholicmom
My new Bible has become the family favorite. When someone needs to read a passage for school or look up a reference, it's the Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible they are going for. I've also found my daughter studying the maps, tracing the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt.
This Bible is perfect for personal or group study, reference, journaling, and reading. It would make a great gift this Christmas or anytime.
Copyright 2020 Carolyn Astfalk
Images copyright 2020 Carolyn Astfalk. All rights reserved.
About the Author

Carolyn Astfalk
Carolyn Astfalk is a wife, mother of four young children, and a writer. Her contemporary Catholic romances are available at Amazon.com. She is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, a Catholic Teen Books author, and blogs at My Scribbler’s Heart. Visit CarolynAstfalk.com.