Megan Swaim reflects on her parish’s unique tradition of celebrating new life with a Rosary Shower.
When we moved to Wichita last year we were introduced to a beautiful and unique tradition of our parish community and neighborhood: the Rosary Shower. When a pregnant mama is approaching her due date, women from the community gather to celebrate and to pray the Rosary for mom and baby and the intentions of the whole family. It’s a simple concept, really, but completely profound to see it come to life.
We recently gave birth to our fourth daughter. A few weeks before her birth I sat in my friend’s living room, surrounded by women who had loved me and my family so well during a difficult pregnancy. There were delicious snacks, uplifting conversation, and then rosaries were pulled out of pockets and purses and they began to pray.
They had a beautiful rosary made for me which was passed around the room, from woman to woman, as they took turns leading the Joyful Mysteries and praying for our specific intentions for this baby and this delivery. I was overwhelmed as I sat with my hand on my belly, feeling our baby move and kick within me, listening to the chorus of feminine voices asking Mary to pray for us.
Each time I pull out that rosary I return to that moment, when the love of the Body of Christ was so tangible, the power of the feminine genius so palpable. What a gift to bring this child into such a community.
And in the weeks since, I keep thinking about the fruits that could grow from gatherings such as this in parishes and communities everywhere. What an opportunity this could be to embrace a young single mom, to welcome someone who is new to your parish or offer support to someone who doesn’t have a strong support system. Or what a witness it may be for other invited guests to witness the beauty of our Catholic faith and the power of communal prayer. Or how it may strengthen existing communities to incorporate prayer and intercession into their gatherings.
I am already looking forward to our next Rosary Shower, when we’ll gather again to celebrate and pray for the next expectant mama and continue this beautiful tradition we’ve inherited.
Do you do something similar in your parish or faith community? I’d love to hear your ideas and experiences!
Copyright 2021 Megan Swaim
Images (from top): Pexels (2020); Pixabay (2016)
About the Author

Megan Swaim
Megan Swaim is an Indiana girl on an east coast adventure. A former high school youth minister, she now gets to minister full-time to her three young daughters and her husband Josh. Megan spends her days homeschooling at the kitchen table, drinking iced coffee, and exploring coastal Virginia.