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How do you handle unexpected events in life? Danielle Heckenkamp ponders our need to accept what we cannot control.

Change can be good, but only when you are ready to accept it, right? It’s good when it comes from the Divine Hand of God. This moment might be a time for change in your own life. It definitely is that time for our family, as we approach the birth of our sixth child – one girl and five boys.

We know that consistency is good. Accepting the daily mundane tasks from God are gifts that we should not ignore or despise, but oftentimes, God throws us a curveball. Not something that we bring upon ourselves, but an alteration that clearly comes from His Almighty Will for the growth of our souls.

When these Divine gifts are sent by God, they also contain graces to help our road towards heaven. So, we have a choice. Do we ignore the gifts of grace or do we whole-heartedly accept them for the good of our souls and the glorification of God?

I have found change to bring an array of emotions, the type of emotions that contribute to many varying levels of happiness, emptiness, loneliness, overwhelming grief, then joy, another level of emptiness, anger, and then peace. These feelings are normal and allow our minds and passions adjust to the transformation, but such emotions shouldn’t overwhelm us. They are good and natural, but may hinder our personal growth in God. Life is full of twists and turns – nothing like the year 2020, right? But are we taking this time to spiritually grow in God’s love and acknowledge our sheer dependence upon Him or have we walked farther away from Him only to focus on ourselves and what we ignorantly believe is within our power to control? 


When God throws a curveball, it isn’t to hinder our spiritual growth, but to bring us closer to His love. #catholicmom

The time to accept change is when we cannot control it. When God throws a curveball, it isn’t to hinder our spiritual growth, but to bring us closer to His love. As the Catechism teaches – “Why did God create us? God created us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this life and in the next.” What a beautiful purpose we have. And even though we cannot foresee our personal roles and impact in Christ’s Church on earth, we know our purpose. When we find ourselves discouraged with the changes of this world, we can turn to the saints who lived their lives ultimately for God’s glory and now enjoy eternal happiness with Him in heaven.

Last, but not least – Love life! This sounds cliche, but we only get one chance at this. Are we making the most of our time with God on earth, accepting His graces, sitting with Him before the tabernacle, loving our families, serving our friends and strangers who need our smile and humor.

Embrace the change. Love the change. Because “Life is Worth Living”!

Copyright 2020 Danielle Heckenkamp
Image: Mateusz Sałaciak (2020), Pexels