Rosemary Bogdan discusses Father Robert Spitzer’s new and impressive book about scientifically inexplicable events that confirm the truth.
Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles
Father Robert Spitzer, SJ
Publisher: Ignatius Press
In a world that sometimes belittles faith because it cannot be demonstrated scientifically, Father Robert Spitzer’s new book Christ, Science and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles is a breath of fresh air.
Experienced and skilled media personality
Father Spitzer is a Jesuit who has written 25 books and appeared many times in the media, including on secular shows such as Larry King Live, the History Channel, and the Today Show. He is also the host of the TV show Father Spitzer’s Universe on EWTN. This is not an author unacquainted with the arguments of the world. He is out there, presenting the case for the truth. He is also the president of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith. God bless him and all his work.
Yes, faith goes beyond empirical science. It is a gift from God and is outside the abilities of scientists to fully explain. But Father Spitzer writes,
As we shall see, the two domains are not intrinsically distinct but rather touch upon, complement, and reinforce each other in many respects. (p.15)
Indeed, reason can form the basis of faith. It is by reason that we come to embrace and receive the gift of faith. Father Spitzer explains in his first two chapters how we can come to believe in the Living God through logic and the extensive historical evidence of Jesus, all pointing to his Divinity.
The next two chapters of Christ, Science, and Reason delve into actual physical evidence starting with the study of the Shroud of Turin and its image that cannot be explained scientifically. Numerous studies have been done on the shroud and Father Spitzer explains them all in detail. We also learn who the scientists were and what their impressive qualifications are.
The Real Presence and the real scientific data confirming the truth
Next are in-depth discussions of Eucharistic miracles. The Eucharistic transformed hosts of Tixtla, Sokolka, and Buenos Aires have been studied extensively. The descriptions are jaw-dropping. The hosts all contain the Presence of living cardiac tissue as well as characteristics indicating distress to the heart, and many other amazing facts. If I had had no faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, these chapters would have convinced me. The information brought me to tears.
The miracles at Marian apparitions
The tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe cannot be explained using science. Father Robert Spitzer explains in great depth all the reasons why. And then there is the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. Although I was well-acquainted with this apparition, I had no idea how extensive the supernatural events were. In Christ, Science, and Reason, you will learn every amazing fact and what scientists and eyewitnesses have said.
Then on to Lourdes. Father Spitzer details astonishing and inexplicable confirmed healings and all the scientific verification behind them. You will be amazed. Mary has always led her children to Jesus and she still does with these miracles.
Finally, Father talks about the Church and science and how they have different focuses that are not in conflict.
As Saint Thomas Aquinas discerned, faith and science cannot be in conflict, for they come from the same mind—the mind of God. (p. 285)
Who should read this book?
Who should read this book? Anyone who knows someone who believes that the measurable, material world is the only reality. Everyone knows people who are stuck in the only-science-is-real camp. If you want some information on modern-day inexplicable events — miracles — to share with them, this is the book for you.
I think I may leave a copy on my coffee table. I’ve already noticed the title catching someone’s eye. I’m just waiting for the question of what it’s about.
I may give it to a few people for Christmas.
Our Lord performed countless miracles while He was here with us on earth. From this book you will learn that He is still performing verifiable miracles: scientifically inexplicable events that confirm the truth. He thus continues to draw people to Himself and proclaim His Lordship for all who are willing to listen.
God bless Father Robert Spitzer for writing Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles. It inspired me, amazed me, and brought me to tears.
I highly recommend this book to everyone.
Ask for Christ, Science, and Reason at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from or the publisher, Ignatius Press.
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Copyright 2024 Rosemary Bogdan
Images: (top) detail from book cover
About the Author
Rosemary Bogdan
Rosemary Bogdan is a wife, mother of six adult children, and a grandmother. She homeschooled her children when they were young and currently substitute teaches at her favorite Catholic school. When not spending time with her family, Rosemary writes at A Catholic Mother's Thoughts and