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In our Hangout this week, Andrea Bear shares her thoughts on the Gospel story of Mary and Martha and how it applies to the lives of busy moms.

I admit that I put my makeup on this morning at stop signs as I drove my kids to their schools. We moms get so caught up in the mindset that we don't have time for everything!

Are you always told, "You need to stop doing so much"? Practicing to just stop, to be, doesn't often seem feasible. And "being" doesn't necessarily mean dropping activities. Let's look at the story of Mary and Martha and how it applies to our busy lives today.

Join us for this fun & inspiring CatholicMom Hangout. And be sure to add your thoughts, questions & ideas in the comments!


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"Being" is not about not doing tasks: it's about opening yourself up to God's plan. #catholicmom


Catholic Mom for Insta 3

Copyright 2022 Andrea Bear
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries