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Allison Gingras shares five key steps toward making Scripture an essential part of your prayer life.

The Scriptures. The Word of God. The Bible. What do those words mean to you? Do you consider the Word of God valuable in your daily life? Does it seem strange that an ordinary book sitting innocently on your shelf could be so important to everyday decision-making, behavior-choosing, and life-happenings?  

If I were asked this in 2005, I would have answered with a resounding, “No way, it is just an old book with old guys’ opinions in it.” That was, of course, before I actually read it and long before someone explained how the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Years before, I would witness God utilizing it to introduce Himself more deeply to me.   

Honestly, 18 years later, I am still unable to truly put into words the utter joy that accompanies spending time devouring the wisdom of the Bible. Especially those mystical occasions when you open up to a seemingly random page and have a message illuminate among the text that you know, without a doubt, is just for you. It is incredible, and yes, even a little crazy, but hard to deny divine intervention when it happens.  

What other book on your shelf can you pick up day after day and learn from, be moved by, and feel as if someone is talking directly to you? For me, the answer to that question, quite frankly—none! No other book draws me in—every day—like the Holy Bible. None.  

How does that happen? How does one move from not even owning a Bible to having a not-so-mini collection, and some so tattered I have to either duct tape or "retire" them?   




Let me share how this happened to me:  

  • First, I took diving into the Scriptures just one day at a time. 
  • Probably the most efficacious step was joining with other women to study the Scriptures and share in this earthly journey of faith. 

  • I picked verses that brought me great consolation and joy to memorize. The ones that really struck a chord in my heart, inspiring me to want to keep them in there—even when my physical Bible wasn’t readily available. I would write them on index cards and stick them around the house—bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, on my pillow, and my laptop—any place I knew I’d frequently be looking!! 

  • Most importantly, I invited the Holy Spirit to be my guide. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church informs us, “prayer should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, so that a dialogue takes place between God and man. For ‘we speak to him when we pray; we listen to him when we read the divine oracles” (CCC 2653). 

  • Finally, I made (and continue to make) appointments with Jesus and my Bible, even concocting kitschy little names, such as “Coffee with Christ” in the mornings and “Snuggles with Scripture” before bed. I utilize my calendar, to-do list, and even daily Alexa reminders to avoid mindlessly skipping out on these crucial meetings. Additionally, signing up for a holy hour in Adoration at my parish assures that at least once a week, I step away from the bustle and find quiet time with my Lord, the Word Made Flesh.   


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No other book draws me in—every day—like the Holy Bible. #CatholicMom


Let the Good News, and all the treasures held within, with all its riches, fill your lives and draw you into a deeper relationship with the Triune God. May the Scriptures continue to teach and counsel you with all the wisdom and grace God has to offer within them! 



Copyright 2023 Allison Gingras
Images: Canva