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In this selection from The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, Karianna Frey reflects on the Anima Christi.

The Body of Christ dissolves upon my tongue, infusing my body, soul, mind, and spirit, as I kneel in thanksgiving for his freely given gift. I make the Sign of the Cross and begin my prayer of reflection, “Anima Christi, sanctífica me . . . .” 

The Anima Christi has been a part of my prayer life since my conversion. Part of what drew me to the Church was her rich history, and when I pray the traditional prayers, I am united with the holy men and women who have traveled before me. 

While I typically say this prayer after receiving Christ in the Eucharist, to me this is more than a prayer of thanksgiving; it is a prayer of surrender. By the very act of receiving the gift of Christ, I am inviting him to change me from within: 

  • for his Soul to make my body into a holy dwelling place,
  • for his Body to redeem me,
  • for his Blood to course through my veins,
  • for the water from his pierced side to cleanse me of all of my iniquities,
  • for his Passion to strengthen me for the trials to come,
  • for his protection from the evil one who seeks to separate us, and
  • for perseverance to the end, until he calls me home to praise him forever. 

Because that is really what we are created for: to be happy with God in heaven, forever and ever.


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Widely attributed to St. Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556), the words of this prayer will lead you deep into the heart of Jesus, whether you say them after receiving Communion or as a morning offering, in which you ask the Lord for a sense of his abiding presence through the day. 

Anima Christi

Anima Christi, sanctifica me.
Corpus Christi, salva me.
Sanguis Christi, inébria me.
Aqua láteris Christi, lava me. 

Pássio Christi, confórta me.
O bone Jesu, exaúdi me.
Intra tua vúlnera abscónde me.
Ne permíttas me separária te. 

Ab hoste maligno defénde me.
In hora mortis meae voca me.
Et jube me venire ad te
Ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te
In saécula saeculórum.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, intoxicate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me. 

Suffering of Christ, comfort me.
O good Jesus, listen to me.
Within your wounds hide me.
Do not allow me to be separated from you. 

From the wicked enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And command me to come unto you
That with your saints I may praise you
Into the ages of ages.

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By the very act of receiving the gift of Christ, I am inviting him to change me from within. #catholicmom

This is an excerpt from The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers, which will be published November 5. 2021.

The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers is your go-to resource to find the perfect words to lift up in prayer for almost any occasion or need. This beautiful, full-color, hardcover book includes a collection of original and traditional prayers and reflections from dozens of moms just like you. You might need “A Kitchen Sink Offering,” “The Nine Annoying Things Novena,” “The Rosary for Warriors,” or “A Birthday Prayer.” Or you might want to read about more traditional prayers such as the Angelus, the Jesus Prayer, or the Memorare.

Join familiar moms including Jackie Francois Angel, Karianna Frey, Rachel Bulman, Sarah Christmyer, Jenna Guizar, Lisa M. Hendey, Haley S. Stewart, Kathryn Whitaker, Kendra Tierney, Michele Faehnle, Emily Jaminet, and Kelly M. Wahlquist as they share their favorite prayers and stories as a way to help you refresh your prayer life, leading you into God’s presence.

Preorder a copy of The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers at a special price of $18 with free shipping with coupon code: CROWN. Good through October 15, 2021.


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Copyright 2021 Karianna Frey
Images courtesy of Ave Maria Press. All rights reserved.
This excerpt from The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers is printed here with the kind permission of Ave Maria Press.

About the author: Karianna Frey is an educator, speaker, and author living in Minnesota with her husband, Steve, and their four kids. She is the editor of the forthcoming book, We Are Beloved.