Observing her sons' delight in a new outdoor playset, Tami Urcia ponders our need to delight in being God's children.
We have had some excitement at our house this past week. My husband and kids watched excitedly as a big trailer backed into our property with an outdoor playset. They carried it to the flat grassy area, section by section, and placed it in just the right spot. They had to make sure the ground was level, that the kids wouldn’t be sliding down into a tree or swinging into the fence. They did a great job and boy do my boys love it!
You see, we bought the new house because of its large fenced-in back yard and ever since we got there, they have been spending almost all their time in the front yard. Go figure. But once I thought about it, it made sense. There was nothing to make them want to spend time back there. It was just a big, empty, grassy field.
Much to my delight, I came home from work yesterday to see my two oldest talking and laughing on the swings. They have also been gathering up leaves and sliding down into the pile and expending their energies climbing up and down the rock ladder.
As we get used to our new town, we also discovered that a truck comes by and sucks up the fall leaves from the side of the road. A far cry from back-breaking raking and bagging, we pulled out the blower and voila! The kids gaped from the big picture window as the truck came by and vacuumed them all up. They had never seen such a thing!
I love St. Paul’s references to children in Ephesians 4 and 5.
Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love … For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light.
Just as my children delight in fresh air and exercise, and the love we give them as parents, we should also delight in being God’s children. I don’t think we often fully grasp this concept. We are loved by the Almighty! The One who created the universe, the One who orchestrated all of history to prepare for His coming, the One who sent His Son to show us how to live and then to die for us, the One who sent us His Holy Spirit to be with us until the end of time, this great God loves each and every one of us!
As recipients of that great love, let us show our love for Him in return by being imitators of Him, by living in love, by being children of the light, and by behaving as His very dear children who delight in the law of the Lord.
Copyright 2020 Tami Urcia
Image: Pixabay (2010)
About the Author

Tami Urcia
Tami is a Western Michigander who spent early adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her bachelor’s degree in Western Kentucky. She loves finding fun ways to keep her five kiddos occupied and quiet conversation with the hubby. Tami works at Diocesan and does Spanish/English translations and guest blogs.