Sheri Wohlfert offers encouragement for moms overwhelmed by the daily details of family life plus the extra events that fill our late-spring calendars.
Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me. (John 12:26)
Oh golly, it’s May and 'tis the season for ball games, school events, graduations, and special happenings galore. It’s that season when meal planning, bedtimes, regular schedules, and empty laundry baskets seem like ancient history! It’s easy to get tangled up in the chaos and wish it would all just stop. Finding time for daily prayer and family meals is tricky at best and these busy days can leave us feeling like we are lagging behind as disciples. I’d like to offer a different perspective today for anyone who might be choking on their May calendar.
We serve and are adored by a God who can’t be outdone in generosity. Time and again he shows up and multiplies, subtracts, divides and adds the perfect things our life needs when we remember to invite him in. We are about to begin a unit on the Works of Mercy and as I was thinking about them through the lens of a busy parent, I could see something different that just might bring you some peace and help you realize you are discipling and serving God and others more than you think in this busy season. Let’s take a look at those Works of Mercy.
Feed the hungry
es that means packing lunches, providing the post-game snack or making cookies for the school fundraiser. It also means making meals sometimes magically appear from the bare cupboards and fridge because mamma doesn’t have time to shop. Remember to pray for all the eaters.
Give drink to the thirsty
I'm pretty sure juice boxes and Gatorade provided for the school picnic or ball team count. Quick prayers together in the car can also quench a thirst for peace, confidence and contentment. Remember to pray for all those you offer drink to.
Clothe the naked
I’ve come to believe in my older age that laundry is truly a labor of love. That late night load tossed in to make sure the right outfit is ready for tomorrows event is in fact a merciful and unselfish act. Remember to pray for the wearers of the clothes as you wash and fold.
Shelter the homeless
You provide a home that serves as a place of prayer, safety and rest for the people you love most. You work daily to make sure the children God entrusted you with are noticed, valued, corrected and directed. Most of you open that same home to neighbors and friends too. Remember to pray for all the people who cross your doorstep.
Visit the sick and imprisoned
As you sit waiting for the game or concert to begin and you chat with the person sitting next to you perhaps you are visiting them in a prison of personal loneliness. When you take time to ask someone about that person in their life suffering or struggling you are giving them the strength and support they need to return to the journey. When you offer to pray for those in tough situations you are giving them the greatest help imaginable. Remember to pray for all those sitting in the bleachers or auditorium or lawn chairs.
Four simple things to help you turn daily chaos into a chance to grow in holiness. #catholicmom
As you continue to wade your way through the rest of this busy season of your life there are a few things you can do to make sure you aren’t wasting these minutes. In fact, these four simple things can help you turn the chaos into a chance to grow in holiness.
First, be sure to invite Jesus into the business of the day. Offer all of it, every last stinkin' thing on the schedule, to Him, and ask Him to help you see Him working through all of it. Second, use car time to say quick prayers with your kids. Take turns sharing what you need prayers for and say a prayer together for each other. Third, ask the Holy Spirit to take control of all your conversations so you can be a vessel of His grace. Finally, remember that each and every thing we do can be offered as a gift to the Father who will offer it back as grace ten-fold.
A Seed To Plant:
Pick one of the four suggestions and put it in action today.
Blessings on your day!
Copyright 2022 Sheri Wohlfert
Images: Canva
About the Author
Sheri Wohlfert
Sheri is a Catholic wife, mom, speaker and teacher. She uses her great sense of humor and her deep faith to help others discover the joy of being a child of God. Her roots are in Kansas but her home is in Michigan. The mission of her ministry is to encourage others to look at the simple ways we can all find God doing amazing things smack dab in the middle of the laundry, ball games, farm chores and the hundred other things we manage to cram into a day. Sheri also writes at