Fr. Jim Phalan, C.S.C., chats with Danielle Bean about Venerable Patrick Peyton's devotion to Our Lady.
On June 3, the 30th anniversary of the death of Fr. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., I spoke with Fr. Jim Phalan, C.S.C., about Fr. Peyton's great devotion to the Blessed Mother.
Fr. Jim encouraged us to pray for Venerable Patrick Peyton's beatification and that "his message of devotion to Our Lady, particularly through the prayer of the Rosary, would speak out loudly to our world, which needs it today."
Fr. Peyton learned from his own experience that there is no better prayer for family devotion than the Rosary. Fr. Jim shares a few moments from Fr. Peyton's life that explain his deep devotion to Our Lady. Mary was alive for him.
That time Fr. Peyton spent on his knees as a child planted the seed for his later devotion and life of ministry. What seed can you plant in your family life by practicing family prayer?
The family that prays together stays together. A world at prayer is a world at peace. (Venerable Patrick Peyton)
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Our Lady took Fr. Peyton around the world to encourage families to pray. #catholicmom
Resources mentioned in this video
PRAY: The Story of Patrick Peyton
Copyright 2022 Danielle Bean
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries
About the Author

Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean is an author, speaker, and podcaster. She and her husband Dan have 8 children and live in New Hampshire.