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Hearing the words, “You’ve got a friend in me” just before Mass, Lilia Grundy recollects her faith friend journey. 

The Whisper before Mass 

Just as mass was about to begin, I pushed my kneeler into its place, sat back into the pew and heard, “You’ve got a friend in me.” I turned my head slightly as if to see who had whispered to me, but I knew it hadn’t come from someone—it was a voice in my head.  

Ok, I thought ... I haven’t seen Toy Story with my children in a very long time, nor have I listened to the movie’s theme song in my mind lately, so why these words? And why now?  

As I stood with the congregation, I looked up to the large Crucifix on the wall, and looked at Jesus, and said, “Thank you.” 


Ask and You Shall Receive 

Two years ago, during the peak of the COVID pandemic, I had decided that remaining in the comfort of my home bubble was okay. I concluded, I’ll just live away in quiet and isolation—I’m fine. And yet, I wasn’t.  

For so long, I had friends that came and went and simply wanted to find friends that were like-minded. I finally began to pray specifically, “Lord, help me find Catholic women friends.” Guess what? God answered my prayer. 

I had just completed Kaylene Brown’s Magnify 90 with a small group in my new parish and unbeknownst to me, the Holy Spirit was stirring in my soul. I had been meeting virtually with various women from all walks of life and I loved it. I wanted more. 




The idea of connecting with more women to share what I had been learning became stronger and suddenly I found myself drafting a vision board of what outreach would look like. Before I knew it, I had launched Catholic Women Professionals (CWP), a group to connect with fellow Catholic working women, and the graces I have received from this ministry are too many to count. 

Just this past month, I was able to unite with CWP friends at a “Faith and Business” mixer I helped coordinate at The Grotto in Portland, Oregon. These women have become close friends with whom I can talk about family, faith, and life. I don’t have to hold back; we freely share about culture, politics and education. Hallejuah! This is what I had prayed about for so long.  


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I began to pray specifically, “Lord, help me find Catholic women friends.” Guess what? God answered my prayer. #CatholicMom




Recognizing His Voice 

I caught a meme the other day illustrating two friends where one states, “I want to hear God’s voice.” The second replies, “Read the Bible.” The first responds, “I want to hear God’s voice out loud." And then other shot back, “Read the Bible out loud!” 

I realized I too have longed to hear God’s voice—to receive validation that what I’m doing is on track with my vocation in life.  

The more time I spend with Him, the more I do recognize the signs God sends me. The voice I heard in Mass the other day was a sweet reminder that I have been blessed with so many newfound faith friendships and for that, I am truly grateful. 

“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) 


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Copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy
Images: (top, bottom) copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy, all rights reserved; (center) Canva