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Kate Taliaferro has created a new free Lectio Divina Journal to share for Lent this year.

I saw a tweet last week posing this question: “How do I prepare for Lent this year when it feels like Lent from last year never really stopped?” An interesting question, no doubt. For many people, the Lenten practice of fasting in particular seemed to become the theme of the lockdowns, quarantines, school closures, and so on. Easter 2020 was certainly a world apart from Easter 2019.

But Easter still came, and I think that is something to hold onto. The Church didn’t “cancel Easter” because we all couldn’t be with our loved ones. Jesus still rose, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Here at Catholic Mom, and for the whole of Holy Cross Ministries, the theme for this Lent is “Standing at the Foot of the Cross.” This is a sacred place. We stand, not alone, but with Mary and the beloved apostle. We stand, bearing witness to the horror of the cross, the suffering of our Messiah, and depth of the love of our Lord for us. This is not an easy place to stand.

This Lent, we are asked to continue to stand in this hard place. What can we learn from Jesus’ suffering, from His love for us, from His sacrifice for us? What choices are we going to make which will unite us with Mary and John, how can we hold their hands as we look up at Jesus’ face?

But, and here is the critical part, we stand at the foot of the cross. We do not sit down, or wallow in fret and fear. Jesus dies on the cross, He doesn’t remain on the cross. Neither do we remain at its foot. The beauty of Lent is that it carries us from the foot of the cross to the entrance of the tomb.

One of the ways to become caught up in this great drama of the season is to immerse ourselves in the daily readings. The readings in Lent are chosen for the season, most especially the Sunday readings. They tell the story, our story, of Trial to Cross to Resurrection. If this idea intrigues you, I have created a free resource which will help guide you through the Lenten season and through the Triduum.


In Lent, we stand at the foot of the cross. Ponder and pray with a free Lectio Divina journal. #catholicmom

Joining the Church in the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, this daily reflection journal contains a verse or passage from the daily readings that you can reflect and pray with. There are directions for how to pray in the Lectio Divina style if that is new to you. If delving into Scripture hasn’t been a practice for you before, this Lent could be the perfect time for you to hear the Word of God in your life in a new and meaningful way.

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Copyright 2021 Kate Taliaferro
Image: Pixabay (2015)