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Laura Range shares a gift idea for the whole family: a colorful floor puzzle full of the saints in heaven! 

Puzzles: a fun indoor activity on dark, cold days

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, working on a puzzle inside sounds delightful! While my family enjoys outdoor time even through the winter, we definitely look for ways to be cozy inside during the darkest and coldest months of the year. Puzzles are a great family project during the wintertime for multiple reasons. We can chat or sip hot chocolate while we work on one. More ambitious children get the chance to show their skills while my younger ones can have fun looking through the colorful pieces and “helping.” We feel a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment when we finish it together. 


A giant puzzle highlighting some favorite saints

I was so excited to see the perfect puzzle for our family to try next: The Saints! Giant Floor Puzzle from Brother Francis. All of my children (ages 2-8) love the Brother Francis series on Formed.org and have learned so much through the series as well as the other related resources (coloring books, games, DVDs, and more). The puzzle contains 96 colorful pieces and is recommended for age 6+, however my 4-year-old was able to find and connect pieces along with his siblings.

The puzzle is a great size (24 x 36 inches), large enough for everyone to help out without crowding, and the pieces themselves are large and sturdy. There are 33 saints on this puzzle, old and new, making it excellent for conversation and learning more about our heavenly friends! A particularly neat feature is the QR code on the box you can scan to learn more about the saints pictured. 


Saints Giant Floor Puzzle


St. Nicholas left this puzzle for my children under our Christmas tree on his feast day and they were so excited to put it together. It would make a wonderful gift for Christmas for your own children, or would be a beautiful way to evangelize by giving it to nieces and nephews, grandchildren, godchildren, or friends!  

The Saints! Giant Floor Puzzle is available from BrotherFrancisStore.com.


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Copyright 2024 Laura Range
Images: Canva