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Inspired by today's Gospel reading, Carmen Lappe ponders the over-the-top ways God shows His love to us.

On my 15th birthday, my parents asked me, “If you could choose between a pair of Doc Martens or I Love Lucy Monopoly, which would you choose for your birthday gift?” Doc Martens were all the rage in 2002 so naturally, I chose (and received) the shoes.  

As we arrived home after a celebratory dinner that night, I found one more gift to unwrap on the dining-room table. One tear of the wrapping paper revealed my second choice: I Love Lucy Monopoly.  

I was overwhelmed at my parents’ generosity. It felt extravagant, like the Father in today’s Gospel reading 

"Extravagant" is always the word that comes to mind when I hear this passage. Yet now that I am a wife and mother who also works full-time, I often feel more like the five loaves and two fish meant to feed thousands. How can I meet the demands of the “hungry crowd” of responsibilities that surround me every day? I am too small; too insufficient.  

Looking back on my life, however, I can see how the Lord has taken my smallness and multiplied it beyond imagining. His abundant blessings are found at every turn, both in big life moments and tiny whispers of grace that carry me through another day. He has called me to places I never thought I’d go, and it is only there that I have come to know the extravagance of His love. 





Lord, thank you for your abundant blessings. May we always recognize your extravagant love at work in our lives. 


Is there a time in your life when the Lord blessed you extravagantly? Share your thoughts with the Catholic Mom community! You'll find the comment box below the author's bio and list of recommended articles.

Copyright 2024 Carmen Lappe
Images: Canva