Elizabeth Estrada describes how, in her doubts about her work, she learned to trust in God's plan and was led to a job in her dream school.
In the last six years of my life, there have been many changes: some for good, some for better, and at times for worse.
On my spiritual journey, I have learned that the best plan is to ask God for His will to be done and that He provides the strength to face whatever it might bring.
Last year was a hard year for everyone. There were many good things that came out of the quarantine, but there were also challenges. It gave me time to reflect and pray.
I have been a public-school teacher for a long, long, time. That is one of my favorite vocations, a close second to being a mom. Teaching preschool makes you smile even on the gloomiest of days.
I was very unhappy in my position last year. It was full of tragedy and even though I taught face-to-face for the last six weeks of school, it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like I was fulfilling my vocation.
I was questioning if being a teacher should be what I continued to do, not because of the kids but because of all the crazy testing, and so on, that littles are having to endure.
I would chat with Jesus and kept telling Him to guide me to take me and lead me to where I needed to be, that His will be done.
After months, of searching for a new school, I finally was hired by a charter school. Never in my career had I considered a charter. I had taught in public schools, large districts, and a private school, but never a charter school.
The Holy Spirit one day inspired me to look for charter schools in my area. Not only was it super close to my house, but it had the right mission, the mission that I signed up for so many years ago: it’s all about the kids.
It’s not about data but about results that show that kids can succeed in the real world and can apply these skills to a situation in the future. It’s about best practices and it’s about caring for their teachers!
This would have been my “dream school” if I had known it existed. It feels like I belong and brings me joy and peace.
But in God’s plan, He knew all along when to lead me there. All I had to do was remember this:
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you — oracle of the LORD — plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
And He has.
Copyright 2021 Elizabeth Estrada
Image: Canva Pro
About the Author
Elizabeth Estrada
Elizabeth Estrada, a public-school teacher, is an avid reader and enjoys crafting. She is in formation to become a Third Order Carmelite soon with her son Agustin.