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This reflection for Christmas is from Unbound preacher Father Art Kirwin, O.P. 

Christmas is the time and season when we celebrate the coming of the Good News (Gospel) to the world in the birth of our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Anointed One of God. It was indeed good news and the announcement of God’s love and God’s salvation in a new covenant. That covenant, we know, followed God’s covenants with Abraham, Isaac and Moses.  

The birth of Jesus took place in a world not too different, we are finding out, from our own. It was a troubled world. Most people lived under emperors or kings, almost all of whom had absolute power. Jesus himself was born in Palestine, in Bethlehem of Judea, a land subjected to the mighty Roman Empire. There were many poor people and they, along with women and the sick, were marginalized.   

Taxes were high and imposed on rich and poor alike. Jesus’ birth is first announced to the poorest of the poor, shepherds, tending their flocks in the hills of Palestine. Rather important people, astrologers and astronomers, visit him after his birth. An angel warns his parents to flee to Egypt to save the infant from King Herod.  

If we look at our world, we see, perhaps, some progress in terms of people able to live a decent life. But we also see vast numbers who cannot, and are poor, landless, without the basic necessities of life. Wars, small and larger, seem continuous. Powerful people prey on the weak and defenseless, creating conflict and great suffering. It is said that more people are on the move on our earth than ever before, escaping famine, war, drug cartels and violence.   

Yet, we welcome Jesus Christ who brings the good news of salvation to all and especially to the poor. Our challenge is to live out the message of Jesus’ love, of His saving acts, His death and Resurrection. Unbound is grateful to its sponsors who reach out to the poorest of God’s poor, thereby bringing good news in practical and loving ways. We value our sponsored friends and wish them the good things of life: a decent living, schooling, employment, health care, recreation.   

Let us sing with the angels at this time of Christmas: “Glory to God in the highest and peace to people of good will.”  


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Our challenge is to live out the message of Jesus’ love, of His saving acts, His death and Resurrection. #CatholicMom


Please pray: Loving God, we continue to be filled with wonder at the Incarnation. May this act of mercy, love and solidarity inspire each of us to appreciate the presence of your Son in every member of the human family. May we remember his words that what we do to others, we do to him. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the one who was born, lived and died for us, and will come again at the end of time. Amen. 



Copyright 2023 Father Art Kirwin, O.P. 
Images: Canva