Respect Life University's free online platform for teachers, pastors, parents, and students offers quick-hitting answers to today’s toughest questions.
More than a year has passed since the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade, but the debate continues to rage, making pro-life evangelization more vital than ever. To boost the visibility of pro-life values during Respect Life Month and beyond, Healing the Culture created Respect Life University, a content-packed, free online portal for all those seeking pro-life answers. The myriad of resources offered at Respect Life University delivers a unique philosophical approach to pro-life education that has a track record of changing hearts and minds.
“We’ve gathered all the best pro-life content and ideas into one place so that when the conversation comes up, you’re ready to engage,” said Camille Pauley, co-founder and president of Healing the Culture. “People need a go-to resource for salient answers as they navigate debate on this issue.”
Respect Life University features Healing the Culture’s high-quality video content categorized topically with sections for all ages. Viewed over half a million times, content housed at Respect Life University has been a resource for teachers, pastors, parents, and students alike for cogent pro-life content dispensed in contemporary, positive ways.
“Philo and Sophie” is just one of the programs offered at Respect Life University that incorporates key philosophical teachings on logic, happiness, virtue, and moral decision-making for audiences as young as kindergarten. Educators and parents receive free lesson plans, discussion questions, games, songs, and other resources to expand on the lessons.
“The videos are accessible and entertaining for our whole family and have given us a launching point for important discussions,” said Amy, a parent of young children. “I'm very thankful to have such a quality program to watch with them that makes them laugh, think, and hopefully grow in virtue.”
Some other categories of videos offered at Respect Life University are “Pro-Life Pathfinder” and “Truth in 90 Seconds," which teach effective pro-life responses to pressing contemporary questions on some of the toughest topics. These well-produced short videos are the definitive resource for sharable pro-life answers online. “Pro-Life Super Shorts” are animated videos that apply philosophical principles for understanding human value. Finally, for those who want to go even deeper, Respect Life University offers “Healing the Culture Classroom,” an immersive pro-life education with Camille Pauley and Healing the Culture founder Fr. Robert Spitzer.
“Students who have taken other coursework from Healing the Culture can refresh their knowledge anytime through Respect Life University,” Pauley said. “We hope that the answers young people have about the dignity of each individual life will also give them hope for the future of their own lives and lead them to esteem even the most vulnerable.”
Copyright 2023 Healing the Culture
Images: Canva
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