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After eating greens with every meal for two years, Lilia Grundy applied her healthy eating formula to her spiritual lifestyle. 

Greens for Breakfast 

As I reached for the spoon to scoop out my first green breakfast, comprised of broccoli and oatmeal on the side—I thought to myself, really? As in, how am I going to consume greens first thing in the morning when I’ve never even enjoyed eating breakfast? 

I repeated the statement in my head that I heard from the health influencer I was following. “Soon enough, your body will begin to crave greens for breakfast,” she cheerily said.  

I didn’t believe it, but I pushed on, and after a month of sticking to my 50/50 plate (half of my plate filled with vegetables and the other half filled with healthy carbs) for mealtime, I did in fact begin to enjoy (and look forward to) greens for breakfast. 

The fascinating thing is that our bodies are equipped to crave healthy food. A study published by the journal Neural Plasticity shows how a healthy regimen of good eating and physical fitness can train the brain to enjoy healthier options. 

Following my plant-based diet now for two years, I can attest to the fact that I actually salivate for broccoli and kale! Okay, so I know not everyone will buy in to greens for breakfast, but what if our family and friends strived to maintain not just bodily health, but more importantly, spiritual health? 




Just Say No to GIGO  

There’s a term used in computer science called "garbage in, garbage out." This concept states that nonsense (garbage) input data produces nonsense output. Similarly, as I tell my daughters, if we feed our bodies less-nutritious food all the time, we’ll suffer the consequences.  

This concept got me to thinking that a formula could be applied to our souls: Holy In = Holy Out.  

If I crave the good stuff for mealtime, by feeding my body good stuff, what if I fed my soul holy things?   

I became purposeful in how I was “feeding” my soul. What was I watching on TV? What was I listening to for music? What was I reading versus scrolling through on my social media apps? 

The more I became focused on the holy things—visiting Adoration weekly, attending daily Mass, listening to uplifting music, opting for PureFlix over Netflix films with the family—the more my soul craved these things. 




Feed on Light 

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light; but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be in darkness.” (Matthew 6:22-23) 


It’s a work in progress for me, building a healthy and holy body. I still love my desserts and enjoy wine on the weekends. And yes, I’ll watch the occasional trendy chick flick, but it’s different now. I don’t consume anything without recognizing the repercussions. So I find myself more thoughtful in my choices. 


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The more I became focused on the holy things, the more my soul craved these things. #CatholicMom


I encourage Catholic Mom friends to try implementing the Holy In = Holy Out formula and pass it through a 90-day test. I am confident that our bodies and spirits will begin to naturally gravitate toward the Light.  



Copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy
Images: Canva