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Even in dark days, Anni Harry reminds us to hold onto the hope that God's ways are bigger than ours and His plans are more than we could ever imagine.

Last month, I explored what Lent looks like when life feels as though it is a perpetual Lent, extending past the forty days leading up to Easter.   

We journey through Lent, sometimes the liturgical season, and other times through an extended season of dreariness. Yet, as Christians, we are believers that these Lenten hardships pale in comparison to the glory of the Resurrection!  

In the darkest days, it can be so difficult to remember that Christ’s glorious Resurrection gives us the hope in better days.   

Yet, better days are always around the corner.   

St. Peter reminds us,

Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope. (1 Peter 3:15)


This Sunday, we celebrate Divine Mercy, which invites us to contemplate all the promises of the Resurrection. 




Christ has paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we have the opportunity to spend eternity with God. He became the bridge from the fallen nature of humanity, to the perfection of love Who is God.   

The struggles we face in this life invite us to maintain the hope of our salvation. We are encouraged to live with the prayer reminder found on the bottom of the Divine Mercy image: “Jesus, I trust in You.”  

All too often, society around us asks us “why.” Sometimes, we might even ask “why” we are experiencing our Lenten trials outside of the season of Lent. Sometimes the “why” becomes clear as time passes from the event. Otherwise, we maintain the hope that someday, we will have the chance to ask “why” and hear the full answer.   

Sometimes, there is little consolation in the reminder that God’s ways are always bigger than ours, and His plans are always greater than we can ever imagine. Yet, the prayer, “Jesus, I trust in You,” can be powerful. The words also offer a succinct mantra to carry us through difficult times.   

“Jesus, I trust in You,” invites us to recall our hope, and gives us a firm and ready excuse. As we hear people ask “why,” sometimes our only response can be, “I don’t know.” 




Yet, when we lean into the prayer of trust, and we unite that with Christ’s sacrifice, we find ourselves able to look confidently toward the horizon.  

The sun will shine again.  

Wounds will heal.  

Fear will turn to courage.  

Our doubts will give way to certainty.  

We will confidently be able to express that God loves us and walks with us when we invite Him into our faith journey. 

Speculating the reason behind our experiences is fruitless, as it detracts from the ultimate love story that we celebrated on Easter Sunday—that God’s love brought forth His only begotten Son, Who fully became the worthy and willing sacrifice, so that when He rose, He could pave the path to the Father.   

The Divine Mercy prayer of trusting in Jesus brings us back into that clear focus: we won’t understand all things, and yet, Jesus knows what we need, and He will carry us through to glorify the Father. 




So, if your dark days continue past the season of Lent, breathe deeply and remember, your reason for hope is what we celebrate this Easter. It is the hope of the Resurrection, and it is the glory of the Father. 

Be courageous and remember to pray, “Jesus, I trust in You.” 


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Copyright 2024 AnnAliese Harry
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