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Maria V. Gallagher discovers a wonderful resource for families in the new Insight Journal from Ascension Press.

Insight Journal

by Jeff Cavins

Published by Ascension Press

As mothers, our words can be precious jewels for our children and our children’s children. How often do you find yourself thinking about the favorite sayings of your own mother or grandmother? For me, a cherished line from my mother was: “Just do your best.” She never expected the impossible from me. She just wanted me to try — whether it was in my school work, at my job, or in my spiritual life. 


Record spiritual insight from Scriptures

My mother’s favorite sayings came to mind as I made my way through the new Insight Journal from Ascension Press. The journal offers the opportunity to put down words for posterity — words that are likely to be treasured by generations to come. As a result, the journal provides a legacy of love for families, much like a family Bible. 

Insight Journal

The creators of the journal offer plenty of space for the writer to jot down insights gleaned from Scripture. Praying with the Bible can be a powerful tool for listening to the Almighty’s voice. Scripture is basically a love letter from God — the more we read, the more likely it is that we will fall in love with Him. 

The journal also provides some important prompts to activate your mind and fire up your memory. For instance, the journal gives you the opportunity to reflect on the saints who have influenced your life: 

As disciples, we do not need to make this journey alone. God has given us the saints to inspire us and pray for us. Throughout your life, you will encounter great insights from saints who are near and dear to you. As the wisdom of the saints has impacted you, so too may your recorded insights impact others. 


Has Saint Joan of Arc given you courage during a tough time? Have you invoked Saint Monica to pray for those in your family who are no longer practicing the Catholic faith? Has the Blessed Mother come to your aid recently? Those are the types of experiences you can share on the pages of the Insight Journal 


Journaling can be a precious gift

The journal came into my hands at a time when I was struggling with my relationship with the Lord. Filled with doubts, I was wondering if I could exercise the level of trust He was calling me to. Then, toward the back of the journal, I came upon the Praise and Thanksgiving section. These words were just what I needed to see: 

Living with a grateful heart is one of the keys to staying in touch with the heart of God. The gifts that you have will always speak of the Giver, Jesus Christ. When you encounter a discouraging time or feel hopeless, review the good things God has done in your life. These gifts act as an anchor for your soul. 


The words prompted me to write: 

God gave me a beautiful daughter, a caring sister, and beloved parents. He brought me out of darkness into the light of His truth. 


Almost instantaneously, I felt better about my lot in life and the special relationship I have with God. He trusts me so much that He gives me crosses to bear for the sake of not only my soul, but the souls of others. As a result, I can rejoice in His love and providence.  

Journaling has been a precious gift in my life. The Insight Journal allows me the chance to pass that gift along to my family. What gold can be found in words of love and devotion!   




Ask for Insight Journal at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Ascension Press.


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Copyright 2024 Maria V. Gallagher
Images: Canva
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