Elaine Sinnott shares the personal experiences that have reinforced her belief of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Elaine Sinnott continues her discussion about belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
My personal experiences with the Eucharist
Jesus has proven His Real Presence to me many times. As I sat in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament one evening a few years ago, I opened my Bible to the story of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42). At one point I stopped and looked up at the Blessed Sacrament in front of me and I heard Jesus speak to my heart: “You are exactly as far away from Me as she was. This conversation with me right now is as real as the conversation I had with the woman at the well.”
More recently, when I was pregnant with my seventh child but did not yet know it, I knelt down in front of the Eucharist for another holy hour and I noticed a man in front of me looking at the Sacred Host, then looking at me, then looking back at the Host, then looking at my adoration partner. He soon got up and as I thought he was leaving, he sat next to me and said, “I know this might be weird, but Jesus wanted me to tell you He sees you and He will take care of you.” When I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant only days after this, I held His words close to my heart and trusted in His promise.
Our Beloved Christ sits there waiting for you as well. I have clung to His beautiful words from the moment I heard them and hope to carry them with me until the day I meet Him face to face.
The Real Presence
In the consecrated Host we find the same Jesus whom Mary brought into the world, whom the shepherds found wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger; whom Mary and Joseph nurtured and watched over as He grew before their eyes; the Jesus who called the Apostles to follow Him, who captivated and taught the multitudes, who performed the most startling miracles; who said He was the “light” and “life” of the world, who forgave Magdalen and raised Lazarus from the dead; who for the love of us sweat blood, received the kiss of a traitor, was made one enormous wound, and died on the Cross; that same Jesus who rose again and appeared to the Apostles and in whose wounds Thomas put his finger; who ascended into heaven, who is now seated in glory at the right hand of His Father, and who, in union with the Father, sends us the Holy Spirit. (Divine Intimacy 201, p. 584)
As Jesus, disguised as a traveler, once taught the disciples of Emmaus, and inflamed their hearts, so too, Jesus hidden under the Eucharistic veil illumines our souls, inflames them with His love and inclines them ever more effectively toward sanctity. (Divine Intimacy 201, p. 585)
If you have any more questions about the Lord’s Real Presence, please feel free to comment and I would love to talk more with you about it. May God bless you!
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Copyright 2024 Elaine Sinnott
Images: Canva
About the Author

Elaine Sinnott
Elaine Sinnott is a mom of seven, a homeschooler, and a wife to her teenage sweetheart. She loves big family gatherings, date nights with her husband, summertime on Lake Erie, and watching her chickens. She hopes God will allow her the honor of being the patron saint of military wives someday! You can find her on Instagram @thecatholicmilitarywife.