Catholic YouTuber Heather Johnson shares tips parents can use to foster their children's relationship with God and keep the faith.
Resources mentioned in this video
First Saturday Devotion with Family Video
Little Flowers: a Catholic club that teaches virtues to little girls
Blue Knights club for Catholic Boys
Knights of Columbus for Men
Legion of Mary (for Women!)
Baltimore Catechism First Book
Baltimore Catechism Second book
Feast Day Video ideas May Crowning Party
Copyright 2021 Heather Johnson
Image copyright 2019 Holy Cross Family Ministries. All rights reserved.
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About the Author

Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson is a Catholic wife and mother to 4 beautiful children ages 8-3 (and one on the way). Her greatest joy is her vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker and home chef. Her ministry is through her YouTube channel A Catholic Mom's Life where she loves spreading hope and joy to Catholic moms and encouraging all Catholic's to love Christ with their whole hearts.