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Marya Hayes observes that living through a time of tragedy requires us to focus on faith and progress with hope.

We are only 6 months into 2020 and there has been a lot of drama so far. I am not down playing the tragedy of each and every calamity that has occurred. However, in the midst of the evil and suffering has also been victory. In looking to the future we must focus on our faith, and progress with hope.

Our children and our families have suffered through the pandemic in so many different ways, physically, economically, spiritually, and emotionally. Yet there were graduations, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and those who strived to improve what they could given the circumstances. I was impressed with kids who worked to get good grades despite the unusual learning environment. I am impressed with the parents who tried to work from home while juggling their kids. I’m impressed with those who continued to work despite the fear and threat. I am also encouraged with those who continued to protect innocence, our country, law and order. We must continue to recognize the good in each other and our planet.

2020 0616 MHayes Long Store Lines

I am also impressed that astronauts recently went to the International Space Station. It was special to witness this achievement of unity and exploration. This was a collaboration. This too gave me so much hope. I sat there crying with emotion and had my kids and husband watch this historic live event with me. I imaged our parents watching as astronauts from the USA landed on the moon 51 years ago. 

I am impressed that my kids wanted to get creative while being at home. They are coming up with new things they want to learn about cooking. That adventure is just about to begin since there is no more school work. Although we weren’t able to go to Mass, I believe it’s a victory that we are able to celebrate remotely through technology. Getting back to normal is around the corner, or that’s my hope.

We all have room to grow in so many areas. We have to grow in our discernment. We have to grow in our ability to empathize. We have to grow in our creativity and adaptability. We have to grow in forgiveness. We are being stretched to the limits this year. Whatever our weaknesses are, they are likely to be challenged and maybe exploited.

Maybe some have used this time to work out and eat healthy and then others have resorted to comfort food and less activity with fewer available places to go. Everyone has handled all these trials differently. Where some have tried to understand all the dynamics of the politics of both the disease and the racial tensions, others have had to retreat from news and social media due to anxiety over these problems. Where do we go from here? 

2020 0616 MHayes Getting Creative

I think it’s going to require more intense prayer. We need to attempt to move forward and return to normalcy, an improved normalcy. The country feels divided, but we know that there are multiple entities that prosper when we war against each other. Let’s be mindful that our prayer is powerful, and mindful of who the true enemy is. Those who seek to divide and those who create chaos are the enemies. It is easy to tire as each new trial seems to take over the next. No doubt we will experience exhaustion. So renew yourself, and take comfort in your God.

2020 0616 MHayes Youre everything to me

We know that all things work for good for those who love God. (Romans 8:28a)

No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:37-39)

It is time to heal. It is time to ask for healing. It is time to ask for Mercy. It’s time to ask Saint Michael the Archangel to defend us in battle. We need to get serious about how much we need our God. This is not something that can be overcome by human ingenuity. This requires humility and commitment: praying for each person, for our nation, and for the world, that through humility we might have peace, hope, and faith.

2020 0616 MHayes Playtime 2020

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Marya Hayes
Images: Copyright 2020 Marya Hayes. All rights reserved.