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Suzanne Beck contemplates what she might learn from her Word of the Year.

Over the past years, many writers here on CatholicMom have written about their choices for a Word of the Year. I went back and read some of them (type "word of the year" in the search box), and had to smile at how incredible it is that God uses a simple word in each person’s life in so many different ways! Isn’t it crazy how He teaches us things?  

This practice first came to my attention a few years ago, and I thought it sounded cool, so for the past few year-ends, I have prayed, asking God to give me the word he wants. Then I usually use the word of the year generator to help Him out (or maybe it’s because I also need patience?) I admit I don’t usually take the first few words; I spin again, as it were, until I hear the “Ding-ding, that’s it!” in my head. The interesting thing is that, invariably, within the first few spins, God most definitely lets me know that I’ve hit on it. 




Before I chose my word last year, God had been working on me, convicting me of several areas of pride, and I had been praying the Litany of Humility for several weeks. (You probably already know that’s a hard one to keep up for a long period of time!) In keeping with the thought that I still needed to work on pride issues, I chose "LITTLE" as my word for 2023, trusting that God would help me in the areas where I needed more humility.

I had "LITTLE" printed on a bracelet, which I saw several times a day, and had it displayed on the bulletin board right above my work computer where I could see it frequently. And honestly, over the year, I did notice a difference. Several things happened in 2023 where I could have let my pride take over, but I would see one of these reminders remember my littleness and offer up to the Lord whatever situation was at hand. And I think that just being cognizant of that "littleness" is something that will stick with me as I move on to another word this year. In case I might forget, near year-end, God sent this little gem to remind me: 


I keep forgetting I’m not in charge. 
I keep forgetting to check my pride. 
God does not need my opinion; the Church functioned just fine without me for 2,000 years.
My job is to be holy. 


In mid-December, I started praying about a new word, and when I didn’t seem to hear God’s voice in any firm way, I eventually went to the generator. Literally the first word that came up was "LEARN." Now, I am no longer a spring chicken and as such, am not a big fan of learning new things. In fact, one of my mantras has always been that I am an "old dog," and I don’t like to learn new tricks! So when that word popped up, I literally laughed out loud and spun again.

A couple more uninspiring words came up but then—and this has never happened before—LEARN came up again! At that point I stopped, thinking that God had to be in on this. Over the next three or four days, I can’t begin to tell you how many times the word LEARN came up: in the Sunday homily, in my daily devotional, on a TV program, in normal conversation … it was pretty amazing! Like it or not, my word for 2024 is now fixed!  


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I have to smile at how incredible it is that God uses a simple word in each person’s life in so many different ways! Isn’t it crazy how He teaches us things? #CatholicMom


Merriam-Webster's Dictionary says:

LEARN may imply acquiring knowledge with little effort or conscious intention (as by simply being told) or it may imply study and practice.


So I think this old dog is in for a ride this year. I’m not sure what lies ahead, but I anticipate that new tricks are in the offing!   

Oh, and it’s not too late to choose a 2024 Word of the Year! What will God call you to this year? 



Copyright 2024 Suzanne Beck
Images: Canva