Danielle Bean talks with Fr. Jim Phalan, C.S.C., about how Our Lady of Fatima's message is relevant to us today.
It was troubled times when Our Lady appeared to the shepherd children in Fatima over 100 years ago, and we're in tumultuous and divided times now. We've been asked by Pope Francis to pray the Rosary during May for the intention of peace in Ukraine, and by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to pray and fast today for a greater respect for life at all stages, from conception to natural death.
Fr. Jim Phalan, C.S.C., National Director of Family Rosary and Catholic Mom chaplain, explained, "Our Lady chose the particular time—a time of war, on the fringe of Europe, to appear there—to give us something that's still quite current, really, for us."
Let's focus on the hope that we have in Our Lady. Mary's message includes a call to prayer, sacrifice, and repentance.
We can feel helpless about all that's going on in the world, but Our Lady, in Fatima, gives us practical things that we can do, in our own homes and families. It's a very simple thing, but it's so beautifully powerful.
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This message from Mary helps us to see that in the end, God is with us. #catholicmom
For more information:
USCCB Pro-Life Chairman Urges Faithful to Pray
Pope Francis Calls for Rosary for Peace in Ukraine
Copyright 2022 Danielle Bean
Images: Canva
About the Author
Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean is an author, speaker, and podcaster. She and her husband Dan have 8 children and live in New Hampshire.