Betsy Kerekes reviews saint-themed party supplies from PartyLikeASaint.com.
For parents wanting to instill holy virtues in their children and teach them by the examples of the saints, is there anything better than saint-themed party supplies?
I think not.
My St. Joseph-themed Party Like a Saint supplies for my son Joseph’s fifth birthday came with a banner, gift bags, pencils, prayer cards, coloring pages, and stickers. I appreciated the bonus St. Thérèse stickers to compliment the gift bags I handed to the girls.
The potential, though easily-overcome downsides: 1. I felt there wasn’t enough to fill the party favor bags, so I embellished with bouncy balls and mini bubble containers. 2. No one commented on or appeared to even see the banner. This was likely my fault due to placement. Hanging it opposite the front door seemed a logical location, but my guests entering the house inevitably looked left, toward all the action, rather than straight ahead at the wall.
Even with that being said, I’m skeptical anyone would have taken the time to read the large chunk of words comprising the St. Joseph prayer on every third or so piece of the banner. It was a nice idea, for sure, but potentially wasted on small guests (and even the large ones).
Another word about the banner is be careful with it. The holes for the string are standard hole punch size, so the string slides easily through it. The cards frustratingly fell off more than once and weren’t the easiest to get back on.
Still, on the whole, I love this concept. A quick perusal of PartyLikeASaint.com reveals balloons, decorations for sacrament parties, Spanish options, and a wide range of saints including combo packs for boys or girls, as well as the three Magi for Epiphany parties.
I have little doubt this ingenious company will grow and be a favored go-to for many Catholic parents—as well it should be. When I handed one mom the party favor for her son, she said, “And party favors? Best birthday party ever!”
Thanks to Party Like a Saint, for my little boy, it certainly was.
Copyright 2022 Betsy Kerekes
Images: copyright 2022 Betsy Kerekes, all rights reserved.
About the Author

Betsy Kerekes
Betsy Kerekes is the author of Be a Happier Parent or Laugh Trying (Our Sunday Visitor 2019) and coauthor with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person (Ave Maria Press 2016) and 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage (Ave Maria Press 2013). She is Senior Editor for The Ruth Institute.