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Elizabeth Estrada enjoys starting the year with a new planner. This year, she's decided to put a Catholic spin on her plans.

I remember always being proud to say that I was a “planner.” I would take out my planner every time anyone wanted to schedule something with me. I loved being able to turn months ahead and show how beautifully I had put every event in its proper place. I waited for the beginning of the school year or the new year to get a brand-new planner.

Now as an older, revert to the faith I am not very proud of those moments. I know it is important to be prudent and organized but it’s another thing to let the planner be the center of my life’s decisions. In those days, there were no confession or Adoration reminders; it was all about meetings and appointments.

I still enjoy having a planner and putting every birthday, baptism, anniversary, and deadlines on the page and I even add some stickers or doodles to add some color. It is always fun to use markers!


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This year, though I decided to add those events in my calendar but also feast days and the monthly devotions of the year. I really want to try to spend some of my prayer time on these monthly devotions. For example, January is the month of the Holy Name of Jesus. This will give me an opportunity to reflect on the Nativity and ponder that beautiful mystery. It is suggested that a Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus can be prayed. There are many resources on Catholic websites to enrich each month of the year with wonderful ideas that I would have never known.


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As you are getting your planner ready for the year, consider giving it a Catholic twist. #catholicmom

In looking at each month through the eyes of the Church, it helps me to keep Jesus at the center instead of “my plans.” It allows me to live as a Catholic, not only on Sundays, but every moment of every day.

Perhaps as you are getting your planner ready for the year you will consider giving it a Catholic twist. It can only make your year better.


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Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Estrada
Images: Canva Pro