You're invited to pray an online Rosary with the Catholic Mom community in celebration of Our Lady of Loreto.
Our Mary, Mother of the Church Online Chapter of The Father Peyton Prayer Guild will pray the Rosary together at 1:00 PM Eastern on Tuesday, December 10th.
Please join us for the Memorial of Our Lady of Loreto! Our Lady is a powerful intercessor for us!
After years of seminary training and on the cusp of achieving his dream of becoming a missionary priest, Patrick Peyton was diagnosed with tuberculosis. One year into treatment, the outlook was grim. As he recounts in his autobiography ALL FOR HER:
[In] September of 1939 ... Dr. John Mart, my physician, first delivered the news, "My colleagues and I have studied the x-rays and samples. We have reviewed the entire history of your case. I am sorry to report that the treatment is a failure.”
Patrick Peyton was given a choice: to undergo an operation that would render him unable to do missionary work and which provided no guarantee of success, or to trust in the power of prayer. A visit from his mentor Father Cornelius Haggerty gave him the direction he needed: “You have the faith, Pat,” he said, “but you’re not using it. Our Lady will be as good as you think she is.”
As Father Peyton recounts,
Father Haggerty had forced me to face squarely the issue that the doctors had presented to me: Was my faith a sham or a reality? He handed me the correct answer, and all I can do is to thank God and Mary for the rest of my life that I had the grace to accept it!
Indeed, history is full of examples of the power of the Blessed Mother. Join us as we raise our hearts and minds to her on December 10th, offering the intentions of all members of The Father Peyton Prayer Guild around the world, as well as your own intentions. Invite a friend or family member who is struggling to also join us — to lift our prayers and hearts to Her! We will conclude the Rosary with the Litany of Loreto in honor of this day.
Our Mary, Mother of the Church online Chapter of the Father Peyton Guild will meet next on January 9th, 2025, on the anniversary of Father Peyton’s birth. Join us in praying for his beatification! The world needs a Saint for Family Prayer!
Pray the Rosary with us on December 10, 2024
We hope you will join us. The Rosary will be livestreamed on Facebook on the Catholic Mom Community page. If you have a personal intention to be included in this Rosary, please email us!
Our online Father Peyton Prayer Guild has members from all over the world. All are welcome. Please extend the invitation to pray the Rosary with a family member or a friend and invite them to join our online guild. There is no obligation other than to support our petition that Father Peyton’s cause move forward to become a saint for family prayer. Our Mary, Mother of the Church Online Chapter meets several times a year.
Sign up for our online guild to receive an email announcing our next meeting date; simply complete the form at the bottom of this article to join.
What is The Father Peyton Prayer Guild?
The Father Peyton Prayer Guild is one worldwide community of prayer. The Guild is comprised of chapters (five or more individuals), families, and individuals that commit to pray for:
1. The canonization of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.
2. The continuation of his mission through Holy Cross Family Ministries who still promote Father Peyton’s famous message, “The family that prays together stays together.”
3. Their own family and all families around the world. Guild members are asked to convene at least three times a year to pray the Rosary for these intentions.
Our online chapter, Mary, Mother of our Church, will convene regularly to pray the Rosary together using the Catholic Mom Facebook Live platform — or members can simply commit to praying a Rosary that day for the intentions of our chapter as well as their own!
As a member, you will receive regular updates on the progress of Father Peyton’s Cause for Sainthood, our chapter’s special intentions will be remembered at a special monthly Mass at the Father Peyton Center, and you will be invited to Holy Cross Family Ministries events throughout the country, particularly in your local area.
To become a member of our virtual chapter, please complete the signup form below. The only commitment is your time and your prayer. There is no membership fee! If you choose to provide your address, Holy Cross Family Ministries will send you a Guild member welcome kit which will includes some prayer resources!
Join the Virtual Chapter of the Father Peyton Prayer Guild
Copyright 2024 Margaret Dwyer Hogan
Images: Canva
About the Author
Margaret Dwyer Hogan
Margaret Dwyer Hogan is Manager for Catholic Mom. A wife, mom of four children, and former Director of Religious Education at two parishes, Margaret resides in Easton, Massachusetts. She also works with International Family Rosary to promote Rosary prayer in families using the children's Chapters of the Peyton Prayer Guild in 17 countries.