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Erika Dix prepared for Advent a different way this season and discovered a new path for getting things ready.

As it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’” (Luke 3:4)


So much to do. So many preparations. Everything we read, see and hear right now is about getting ready. Even Catholicmom.com has many wonderful articles, podcasts, and videos proclaiming a great way to prepare for Christmas during Advent this year. And they are good things to prepare. Meals for loved ones, gifts for family and friends, our homes and hearts for the birth of Jesus. All this for the glory and honor of God. 

I know with me I always start with good intentions at the beginning of Advent, to do more reflection, devotionals, trips to Adoration, prayer time with my family, all to bring our focus on Jesus rather than the holiday distractions around us. And, of course, it is right around this time that all the things to help me prepare have fallen away. I am focused on getting things done because there is not a lot of time left. 

Also, at this time of Advent, I am definitely crying out. To my family, to my friends, and even to God. However, it is not about the coming of the Lord; it is mostly about how overwhelmed I am and why they are not helping me do more. 

At the beginning of the season this year, I wrote Jesus an Advent letter. It went something like this:

Dear Jesus, I’m excited that You are coming! I know You are already in my heart, but I’m hoping to clean it out and get it ready for You again. My time with You is precious to me and this time of year there is so much to DO. I love the idea that just BEING with You will actually be all I need to do to get ready.





Being with Jesus is all He needs us to do. This has been a different season for me because of this letter. I have not met my usual milestones on getting the house decorated, the Christmas cards out, or even buying all the presents (I am usually done with that in November). It has been different because I have not done all those things, but instead let them fall naturally where time has been provided for me. 

Of course, the old habits did not fall away completely, and I did get a little hung up on a new Advent devotional book I received from my daughter last Christmas. It is a really good book, but I forgot that my prayer time is about being with Jesus, not just being caught up on my days of reading and journaling. Just as St. Luke reminds us of what the prophet Isaiah said long ago, I needed to be reminded as well. Reminded to just sit with Him, the one who is to come, and allow Him to make straight my path and show me the way of the Lord. 


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I needed to be reminded to just sit with Him, the one who is to come, and allow Him to make straight my path and show me the way of the Lord. #catholicmom


Dear Jesus, I love sitting with You and encountering Your love and mercy. I pray that during this time with You, I will experience Your blessings of the Advent season, and be better able to bless all those around me too.



Copyright 2022 Erika Dix
Images: Canva