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Lectio Divina Out Loud: Erika Dix is inspired to create a way to tackle the newness of college for her kids, and for all kids, in this season of life. 

There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


There is an appointed time, or season, for everything, and this verse is helping me understand how to help my children as they move through theirs. Experience is a good teacher, and mine is working overtime right now. Both of my kids have graduated from high school and are back to back in college. I knew this might be a tough time, but like the toddler season, they are experiencing certain things together to make it easier to make it through.  




The Four Aspects of College 

Just recently, I felt inspired by what I remembered from my own college days. I definitely struggled with going away and learning how to do so much on my own, and there were no internet Google searches on how to “adult.” I was trying to help my son figure out financial aid and scholarships, and I shared how this was the “business” part of college: figuring out how to pay for the college bills, and all the emailing and forms that seem to be in a constant need to be completed. This led to the inspiration of the Four Aspects of College as a framework with which to juggle all the new responsibilities my kids are experiencing.   


A Time for Learning 

This is something they are used to. They have been learning since pre-school, so hopefully at this point it should be second nature to them. The main part that is different is how the classes are structured, and what the professors expect from them. There is a learning curve (excuse the pun), but at least it is not brand new.  


A Time for Business 

This may be new for a lot of kids. It entails juggling requirements to maintain either financial aid, scholarships, or both. There will be emailing, phone calls, deadlines, forms, and data collection. If this does not jump them up to the “adult” level in life, I am not sure what will.  


A Time for Living 

My kids are not at this aspect yet, since they are attending a community college for a couple of years and are living at home during that time. We are preparing, though. They are working at part-time jobs, doing their own laundry (which they have done for a couple of years now), grocery shopping, making meals, and car maintenance. I am sure there are more, but we are tackling them as they come along. Mostly, we are working on being a kind and considerate “roommate” so that in their future situations, it will go smoothly.  


A Time for Socialization 

My kids are realizing that their social relationships are very different from when they were in high school, and mostly for the better. There are still bumps and bruises, but everyone is maturing so the potential for more secure and lasting friendships is materializing.  




The Appointed Time 

I am so glad to have my own experience and the Holy Spirit to guide me during this season and appointed time with my kids. So far, each season in my kids' lives has had wonder and sorrow, happiness and pain, but there has always been guidance. I am always open to more, so if you are a mom with kids in or out of college, please share your wisdom in the comments below! The Holy Spirit’s inspiration from the time of toddlers to teenagers has been a saving grace. Looking back, I think I am more grateful for the naps, though.  


Prayer: Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence in each appointed time throughout my kids’ lives. Your guidance will give them what they need, when they need it, and it is within this framework, they will have hope to succeed and bring God glory.  


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Copyright 2024 Erika Dix
Images: (center) copyright 2024 Erika Dix, all rights reserved; others Canva