Karen Estep reviews Kelsey Gillespy’s new book, Real Life with Mary, from Pauline Books and Media.
Real Life with Mary: Growing in Virtue to Magnify the Lord
by Kelsey Gillespy
Publisher by Pauline Books & Media
Kelsey Gillespy has done it yet again. What is “it,” you are asking? It is Gillespy’s second book: Real Life with Mary. Gillespy has written a new book that challenges, gets us into “the feels,” and brings our relationship with Mary into life in ways we may never have thought of.
In her second book, Gillespy examines various qualities that Mary has that we should try to emulate. Examples of those qualities include submission to God’s will, fortitude, responsibility, courage, and prayerfulness. Each chapter starts with a short Scripture verse, a cute story from Gillespy’s own life, a reflection on Mary and the Scripture, some questions to ponder, a fiat, and a prayer. While this seems a lot to hold in one chapter, the chapters are short and quick reads, making this an easy to pick up and put down book, especially for women that always seem to be on the go all of the time! *insert me raising my hand here*
When I spoke with Gillespy in the past, she said that writing prayers is difficult for her; however, I think Gillespy writes some of the most moving prayers I have read. Gillespy takes the time to make sure that every prayer, even the ones asking for intercession from our Blessed Mother, always point us back to Jesus. I found the “Fiat” section in each chapter challenging as well. One fiat I found particularly hard was “accept a compliment.” Gillespy mentions her time playing basketball, and she may have an unintended coach trait in her as well. It is like she knew that we as women would be challenged by that and yet that is exactly what we need to do to be a good “player” for God.
My favorite chapter is the one on Mary’s prayerfulness. Gillespy shares that Mary was praying to God all of the time, even while cooing at her son, Jesus. As Christians we know very little about Jesus’ early life. This chapter struck me as amazing because even while Mary was talking with teenage Jesus, she was praying. Even when she was asking Him how work was going, or about His friends, or even just reflections on the Scripture they might have read together, she was constantly praying to Him. I have never thought about Mary’s life that way. This was a great example and reminder for us to constantly be in prayer.
While Gillespy’s first book was geared toward mothers, I feel like this book is written for women in all stages of their lives. She does continue to share stories about her life as a mom; however, she also shares a pretty funny experience from her honeymoon and even stories about being distracted while praying the Rosary.
This book would make a great women’s Bible study at your parish. Using this book as a resource would be an excellent way to bring multiple generations into one group and bring parish women closer together no matter where they are in their lives.
Both of Gillespy’s books do a great job at helping women find a relationship with Mary. She and I are both converts into the Catholic faith. For me at least, having a relationship with Mary is something that I have to work at and I like to read books that help me foster that relationship. Gillespy does a great job, in both of her books, at explaining that any relationship we have with Mary, is ultimately also helping us have a stronger relationship with Jesus. Real Life with Mary will help women understand the qualities of Mary, a glimpse into Mary’s life, and how we can grow closer to Jesus through it all.
Ask for Real Life with Mary at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Pauline Books & Media.
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Copyright 2024 Karen Estep
Images: Canva
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About the Author
Karen Estep
Karen Estep is the host of the podcast Stand, Kneel, Now What? In coming home to the Catholic faith as an adult she hopes to share her love of the Church on a daily basis. Karen has been shown many graces through the Sacraments even through all of her blunders. She hopes to help other adults navigate their faith journey as well.