Lisa Simmons considers the hidden gift of a Reset button we've been given during the coronavirus pandemic.
Have many times in our lives have we wished for a Reset button? Times when we may have made a wrong decision, said the wrong thing, gone the wrong way? Unfortunately, unlike video games, our lives don't have a Reset button. Our decisions usually have to stay the same and we make the best of it. But sometimes we get a chance to do over. God always gives us a chance to do over with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We can say we are sorry and begin afresh with Him again. Of course we need to do some reparation for the sins we commit, too. It's not a free ticket to paradise!
But life right now like is sort of offering us a Reset button too. As we all, and I do mean the entire world ALL, are enduring the Covid pandemic, it is making us stop and think a lot of things. Just how badly do I need to go out shopping? Do I need to keep working or could we make it if I stayed home with the kids? If I am planning a wedding, party, or other celebration can we make it smaller? Do we really need to go on a vacation somewhere across the world or can we explore our own state? Can we make more dinners at home instead of eating out?
Reset Wedding Celebrations: My nephew and his fiancée had planned a beautiful July wedding. But instead of postponing it, they went ahead and make it smaller. Many guests still came, wearing masks which will make the photos very memorable! But we still celebrated what was important; the two of them committing their lives to each other. What wasn't important was how big the wedding was, how fancy the food or catering, or how the dance floor was decorated. It emphasized what was important: their love and commitment and the love of their family and friends.
Reset Vacation Plans: My daughter who lives 2,000 miles away drove home to spend time with family for three weeks. We did nothing but cook, play games, swim in the backyard pop-up pool, and talk. Instead of going on a vacation somewhere else, we did a stay-cation in our backyard and enjoyed each other's company immensely without distracting questions of 'what do we visit or see next?"
Reset Faith Life: Just getting to Mass is hard in many parts of the country, but it made us stop and think; how is my faith life helping me live? Do I pay attention when I do go to Mass or pray? Do I make praying a priority; is going to Mass or at least prayerfully joining in by live stream a Sunday priority for my family? I really missed receiving Jesus in Holy Communion!
Reset Prayer: As if the pandemic wasn't enough, I am reminded that nature is still throwing things at all of us that we really cannot do anything about. Not one but two hurricanes headed toward loved ones in the South, and I have a daughter and son-in-law as well as some cousins where the wildfires rage in the West. I spent the past few weeks praying a lot to be calm and trying not to worry. I needed to stop worrying and give all these concerns to God, especially since I could not do anything to control or stop hurricanes or wildfires.
What can we learn from this giant Reset button we've been given? #catholicmom
So can we all learn from this giant Reset button we've been given? Can we look at our lives and relationships and see if our priorities are in the right places? I think we can. We can, if we ask for God's help doing it. If we trust in Him and maybe be glad we have a chance to Reset things in our lives, it may make us appreciate each other and the world much more.
Copyright 2020 Lisa Simmons
Images (top to bottom): José Antonio Gallego (2019), Pexels; copyright 2020 Lisa Simmons, all rights reserved.
About the Author

Lisa Simmons
Lisa Hendrix Simmons is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and lover of adventures! She works full time at her Catholic parish as the social media/technology/Family Life Ministry coordinator. She writes about staying young and fun while living Catholic. When not writing she is knitting, playing music with her husband and having fun with her kids and grandkids. Visit her blog at https://youngfunandcatholic.blogspot.com/ and at www.simmonsfamilycenter.com/mommaknitsayarn