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Caroline Godin offers saintly inspiration for those stuck in the sandwich generation and shares her own experience of caring for her kids and parents. 

Feeling sandwiched? 

The sandwich generation basically refers to those taking care of both their kids and parents. It feels like it sounds; you feel sandwiched. It’s lovely to have your parents around when you have kids, but if they need your help too, it can be draining. 

My parents are in their 80s and are currently starting the process of downsizing. They’re driving less, need more assistance, and have health concerns. Finding time to help them while racing around for three kids is challenging. I use prayer to get through, but when I’m struggling, that can be difficult too. 


Be inspired by the saints 

So, I look to the saints for inspiration and intercession. Most of them went through difficult life challenges and relied on prayer to get through as well. If we turn to their example and ask for their intercession, we build a team in heaven who’s rooting and praying for us. How awesome is that? 

We always have Jesus to pray to and the Blessed Mother to pray for us, but here are a few saints to consider adding to your prayer team. 




Saint Monica 

As the patron of Mothers, Saint Monica knows all about praying for loved ones. She prayed for years and years for the conversion of her husband and son, Saint Augustine, doctor of the Church! She even implored priests to argue and debate with her son, but he was so intelligent that often they told her it was futile. Still she prayed and insisted they continue. 

Saint Monica knows the hardship of family. Pray for her intercession and be inspired by her example. She never gave up and both were converted ultimately. 


Saint Dymphna 

Losing her mother at a young age, Saint Dymphna watched her father go mad searching for a new wife, but no one matched her beauty. Horrifically, when Dymphna was coming of age, his advisors suggested he marry his daughter who looked strikingly like her mother. Dymphna begged her father, telling him it was wrong. She escaped at first, but ultimately he and his entourage caught up and she was martyred. 

Patron of people who suffer from mental illness, Saint Dymphna is an inspiration to standing firm, even against one’s parents. She’s a good saint to intercede to for those dealing with parents with dementia and other mental illnesses as well. 


Saint Matthew 

Family troubles and stress are often centered around finances, so Saint Matthew is the saint to intercede for you. Saint Matthew was a tax collector and the author of the longest Gospel in the Bible. He can handle hearing your long, arduous woes and money troubles. Pray for his intercession and for guidance in your decision making. 


Saint Jude 

Saint Jude was a family member of Jesus. His mother, Mary, was Mother Mary’s cousin, and his father, Cleophas, was Saint Joseph’s brother. As Jesus’ cousin and someone who was present as Pentecost, you could say Saint Jude’s life of ministry was family-started. He’s the patron saint of the impossible, so no petition is too desperate to ask for his intercession. 


Saint Rita of Cascia

Despite wanting to enter a convent at a young age, Saint Rita was forced to marry by age twelve. Her husband was not a faithful man, but she endured and eventually converted him, which convinced him to end family grudges that had gone on for years. Her sons, however, were swayed by their uncle to continue those grudges and she needed to persist even longer in prayer for them. 

Saint Rita knows all about family drama and is another patron saint of impossible causes, but also of those in difficult marriages and of parenthood. She’s a good saint to intercede for those dealing with family drama, grudges, or any other seemingly impossible cause. 


More saints 

There are so many more saints that can intercede for the sandwich generation. Saint Joseph, known as the Terror of Demons, is the patron of families. Saint Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) will help those with worry. Saint Jeanne Jugan is the patron saint of the elderly. 




Hope for those in the middle 

We may feel a bit smashed in the middle of our family responsibilities, but the saints are rooting for us. Continue praying, continue taking care of you too, and pick a few saints to rally to your cause. It feels good to know you’re not alone. 

What saints have you prayed to for intercession in your family situations? 


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Copyright 2024 Caroline Godin
Images: Canva